On a Monday Buddy

Another weekend is now part of the past. How was yours? How about your weather?

The snow storm just missed Cincinnati, so we had the misery that goes along with cold rain. However, we had two nights of ballroom in – the second was a wonderful holiday dance at a classic ballroom in the city. On the down side, after six weeks of very little dancing, we were very rusty and amazed how much we forget.

This week appears to be a normal week of posting for me. Two big announcements!

  • Curtain time for Act 11 of Time: The Musical is Wednesday at 9:30 PM (Eastern US) … the theme is Future Time … Song titles with Future in the title or reference to the future. (Creativity opportunity, but “tonight” is not acceptable)
  • A Christmas/Holiday Party will be Saturday – so make sure to plan on stopping by. Invite your friends because you know there will be treats for all!

This week’s celebrations for your calendar

  • (Week) Gluten-Free Baking Week
  • (Mon) Chocolate Covered Anything Day, Posadas begins, Barbie & Barney Backlash Day, Day of Reconciliation, Stupid Toy Day
  • (Tues) Maple Syrup Day, Halcyon Days begins, Saturnatia begins, Free Shipping Day, Wright Brothers Day
  • (Wed) Answer the Phone like Buddy the Elf Day, Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day, Migrants Day, Bake Cookies Day, Flake Appreciation Day, Roast Suckling Pig Day
  • (Thurs) Re-Gifting Day, Oatmeal Muffin Day

Given Wednesday’s celebration, let’s start the week with a Buddy the Elf video. Have a wonderful week.

69 thoughts on “On a Monday Buddy

  1. The weather was lovely; I was able to wear shorts yesterday, and could have worn them again today!

    We’re all sick here, which leads to not enough sleep, which leads to crankiness (and in the case of the little one, hyperness) . . . but the weekend managed to be lovely nevertheless. I blame it on Despicable Me, which we finally got around to watching. 🙂

    Have a good week, hey?


  2. I’m so glad you were able to get out and dance this weekend, Frank. It’s good to know you had the time and the availability, but it doesn’t surprise me you’d lost some freedom on the floor. It’s not like you forget how to dance, but stress takes something out of us and it takes a little while to get the freedom back. I’m looking forward to the final act! This will be a fun one…we’ll see how literal we need to be. 🙂 I hope you have a really good week!


    • Debra,
      Social ballroom isn’t choreographed … it’s lead and follow … which in our case, I had to remember what to lead and my wife had to remember how to react … so it was a dual struggle … but we still had fun.


  3. Funny, I really wanted to watch Elf on Saturday! I love watching Christmas films leading up to the big day and on Saturday I found myself with a couple of hours to spare, and had the urge to watch Elf, but was unable to – I scoured my DVD collection, but didn’t have a copy, I went on Netflix, but it wasn’t available for streaming, I checked the TV channels just in case! But no luck, so I was forced to watch Santa Clause 3 on Netflx which as altogether much less satisfying. Ah well, at least I got a little Elf fix at Frank’s place!


  4. Re-gifting an oatmeal muffin, superb! Happy Monday to you, Frank. We had a nice and quiet weekend. Still recovering from a flu, and a little too chilly for my liking, but I won’t complain. It is after all, good boots weather 😀 Enjoy your week ahead.


  5. Weekend was uneventful, getting ready for the busiest 3 months of work, so a lazy weekend it’s always nice.
    I hope all online stores observe Free Shipping Day, would be nice if the post office would do it too.


  6. Chocolate covered anything sounds pretty good, Frank, with the notable exception of insects. 🙂 So glad you were able to get back on the dance floor again. I’ll try to pop in on Saturday, but I think things are going to be quite hectic at the grand kids’ house this coming weekend, and in fact for the whole time we’re up in NJ.


  7. I knew it was chocolate something day today! [as is everyday to me!!!]
    Cold rain here too!
    I’m very happy to hear that you had a little dancing this weekend.
    …Xmas is actually coming, isn’t it?! 😉
    A beautiful Monday and new week, my friend! 🙂


  8. Wishing you too a wonderful Week Frank… My weekend was half and half… Saturday relaxing Sunday I was working… we have rain and high winds … I think if the snow will be heading our way shortly though… I have put Sat in my diary 🙂


  9. Flake Appreciation Day, really , Frank, really? We had a 5″ dump of snow in Manhattan on Saturday, but it rained overnight. More snow is in the forecast for tomorrow. I hope it’s not too big a dump because I’m flying west soon. I will try to visit your party via iPhone – the third greatest invention behind fire and the wheel.


  10. Dancing! Makes the world go round. Just in time. (sorry had to say it…)
    After the goodies and maple syrup, we’ll need the oatmeal muffins. No flaking out with that.
    We’ve a couple of nice days with sun, and plan to be AWOL to enjoy it. THe cold and rain headed back shortly.
    Do you ever square dance? Is that done much any more. My dad used to be a caller and we kids would all watch in pallets on the sidelines. Swinging exercise.
    Take care, Frank.


    • Mouse,
      We have square danced before at designated events associated with work or church … but never on our own. Interestingly, one time for my wife’s work, I got to attend an event as they had workers in from all over the world … and the social event was dinner and square dancing. The caller was pretty good, and most people had a blast.


  11. We got snow. But – I don’t really have to drive in it right now as I have begun my staycation! No work for me until the new year!
    Nice that you are starting to get back to a routine again. Good to hear that you found your way back to the ballroom too. 🙂

    LOVE Elf!
    I got Alexandria a shirt with Buddy the Elf. If they had my size – I would have gotten one for me too. It says: Smiling is my favorite!


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