On June 2014

June starts on Sunday, so it’s time to set the stage for the month ahead.

Some say the month is named after Juno, the Roman goddess and wife of Jupiter. Others proclaim it is from a Latin word meaning the younger ones

June was the fourth month with 29 days in the early Roman calendar, but Julius Caesar changed it to the sixth month with 30 days because he could

Astrological sign Gemini starts the month, but Cancer starts June 21st

June’s birthstones include Pearl, Moonstone, and Alexandrite

June’s birth flowers are honeysuckle and the rose

As with any of the 12, June is loaded with month-long celebrations to meet your fancy. Time to get your calendars and record the ones that are most significant to you.

Adopt a Cat, Adopt a Shelter Cat, Pet Preparedness, Pest Control

Smiles, Naked Bike Ride, Bathroom Reading, Effective Communications, Entrepreneurs “Do It Yourself” Marketing, Rebuild Your Life, Potty Training Awareness, Happy Women, Recycling, People Skills

African-American Music Appreciation, Audio Book Appreciation, Accordion, Surf Music, GLBT Books

Country Cooking, Dairy Alternatives, Georgia Blueberries, Turkey Lovers, Dairy, Candy, Fruits & Vegetables, Iced Tea, Soul Food, Steakhouses, Papaya, Seafood, Beef Steak, Frozen Yogurt

Health Awareness
Migraines, Congenital Cytomegalovirus, Aphasia, Men’s Health Education, Childhood Cancer, Child Vision, Cataracts, Cancer from the Sun, Antiphospolipd Antibody Syndrome, Scoliosis, Professional Wellness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Scleroderma, Vision Research, World Infertility, Hernias, Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism

National Rivers, Camping, Perennial Gardening, Great Outdoors, Roses, Zoos & Aquariums, Women’s Golf, Skyscrapers

GLBT Pride, Caribbean-Americans, Celibacy Awareness

All Safety, Lane Courtesy, Fireworks Safety, Student Safety, Drive Safe, Burglary Prevention

Do you have a special event for June in your area or personal life? Hope you can tell us!

If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance. (Bernard Williams)

In June as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them. (Aldo Leopold)

Wine and cheese are ageless companions, like aspirin and aches, or June and moon, or good people and noble ventures. (M. F. K. Fisher)

There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter (Billy Connolly)

34 thoughts on “On June 2014

  1. June for us is just the beginning of the serious cold days and nights… but it does lend itself to great photography because of the great early morning light…


  2. Summer is officially here! I thought I’d mention one celebration you may be interested in: wine festival month here in Greece, also the burning of May wreaths on John the Baptist day.
    Wishing you a great weekend and a beginning of a wonderful month! 🙂


  3. Yes Summer is here.. Someone should tell our English climate… 🙂 Where did the month of May go?..
    Thank you for all that info.. my Hubby was born on mid-summers day… So another month of celebration .. Loved the video too 🙂 Happy Dancing your way into June… Have a great weekend Frank…


  4. Celibacy in June, a tough sell.

    Thanks for the Kinks, I enjoyed it’s edge.

    If I could wish upon a star, I’d wish for June to represent Humanity with celebrations world wide. Perhaps June is a Dreamy month.


  5. I plan to celebrate June by Adopting a Cat right after I Drive Safe eating Georgia Blueberries during my Naked Bike Ride for Celibacy Awareness through the Great Outdoors listening to Surf Music.

    If that doesn’t uplift my spirits, I’ll wait for July.


  6. This was a delight!! All those celebrations sound very Gemini-ish, Frank. The 8th = 52 😀
    I’m particularly fond of June, for Summer Solstice, too. Thanks for this, it brightened my day.
    Oh, and grand baby due on the 4th!! Lots to celebrate! Enjoy your weekend.


  7. June can only mean hot and more hot temperatures so ice tea and more ice tea. please! i love your getty images and the classic videos. happy June to you, Frank! 🙂


    • Sun
      Getty offers a huge selection at no cost to WP users, so hey … why not take advantage of the opportunity when it fits! Enjoy your iced tea as a refresher!!! Adding a sprig of mint is a nice touch.


  8. I am going to pray I see not one person naked bike riding, it is bad enough when I see the bike riders in Seattle in Speedos.

    Loved the Bing video.

    Summer is here and Texas is heating up, thank you.


  9. June is my favorite month: I was born in June (early part of the month), got married in June (on my birthday), and summer flowers are usually in full bloom–signaling winter is finally over. Besides celebrating my b-day and our anniversary in some romantic place that will include lots of pearls, roses, and wine, I promise not to get naked when I go bike riding, but I will eat more fruits and veggies and at least one awesome steak! 🙂


      • There is wide variation in different regions and the average rainfall may vary from 67mm to 225mm. Since last 10 years the pattern is quite random and some years we have droughts too. Droughts are bad not only they spell doom for our small farmers but the economy too suffers. 😦


  10. Pingback: On June’s First Monday | A Frank Angle

  11. I’m not at all unhappy, but I admit it intrigues me to use the month of June to “rebuild my life.” I wonder what that would look like? If I figure it out, I’ll let you know. And yes, June is going to be very busy. We will be back to Morro Bay later this month for another family reunion. I’m looking forward to time with cousins, and being back in the Central Coast. I love summer, and I get excited when all the children get out of school in June. Weddings, graduations, summer–it’s a happy month. 🙂


    • Debra,
      Thanks for sharing bits about your June. Back to Morro Bay also means more pics of Morro Rock and running on the beach time for Zena while Darwin is creating havoc at home. Looking forward to your Rebuilding Life post. 😉


  12. Hmm. What about Father’s Day? 🙂

    Also, June may be the most rhyming of all the months.

    moon (of course)
    rune (?)
    goon (really?)
    prune (add also under health awareness)
    harpoon (ouch)
    maroon (help!)
    doubloon (pay me now or pay me later)
    honeymoon (of course!)
    lampoon (AFrank Angle special)
    tycoon (Buffett, muppet, bucket, stop me, help!)
    saloon (and here’s to you, one and all!)


    • Jim,
      Oh my … the rhyming tidbit about June is a hoot … and your list made me laugh.

      Meanwhile, I didn’t included Father’s Day because that is a designated day, whereas my list if for month-long celebrations as June is Frozen Yogurt Month.


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