On a Drug-Induced Monday

Courtesy of Mr. Redlegs Old-Style Baseball Hat and Mustache Giveaway

Courtesy of Mr. Redlegs Old-Style Baseball Hat and Mustache Giveaway

How was your weekend? Come on … tell us about something.

Whew! … We stayed busy. Time with out-of-town family kept us off the ballroom floor, but we hosted a dinner, shopped at a local alcohol warehouse, stopped at a local brewery, and I attended a baseball game with a friend while my wife painted with her family … so we stayed home much of Sunday. Cheers to my neighbor for relieving me of watering duties!

As I prepare this post, we have a tornado watch. The weather reporters have been making a big deal for the past two days about the passing of this front and the severe weather it could bring, but I think the severe weather will miss us … After all, I use a technique that isn’t very technologically advanced … LOTW …. that’s Look Out the Window. Nonetheless, it’s a bit odd outside at the moment, so I predict somebody will get it … but not us.

Life: The Musical returns this week as life moves to adulthood …. so song titles must include Man/Men or Woman/Women. Curtail time will be Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US).

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Salad Week, Don’t Eat Meet Week, Fancy Rate & Mouse Week
  • (Mon) Milk Chocolate Day, Hamburger Day, Gone-ta-Pott Day, Hepatitis Day, Buffalo Soldiers Day
  • (Tues) Lasagna Day, Chicken Wing Day, Rain Day, Lipstick Day, Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
  • (Wed) Cheesecake Day (1), Father-in-Law Day, Support Public Education Day, Paperback Book Day, Friendship Day
  • (Thurs) Cheesecake Day (2), Chili Dog Day, Uncommon Instruments Awareness Day, Ranger Day, Bratwurst Day, Raspberry Cake Day, Jump for Jelly Beans Day

Many thanks to Elyse for this interesting Monday Morning Entertainment. Enjoy and have a good week.

49 thoughts on “On a Drug-Induced Monday

  1. I did NOT see that coming – Hilarious video, Frank! I spent the weekend participating in an art show with my photography at an historic Old West stage coach station in Northern Colorado. Sold some of my pieces and met some great people!


  2. That video was so much fun, Frank! Like Cathy, I didn’t see it coming, either. I volunteer ushered two very entertaining plays.

    Now the humidity is pretty high over here. It looks like we have scattered showers and thunderstorms in the forecast all day on Monday.


  3. All is reasonably well, and the weekend had more ups then downs. That’s about all I can say for it at the moment. Sometimes it’s just like that. LOL! But I’m going to really look forward to another Life, the Musical. Just the right thing! I hope you have a good week, and I intend to do a little better than last week. 🙂


  4. I made zucchini chips in my dehydrator, but found them to be quite disappointing. What starts out as a lot of chips shrink up to half the size, plus I didn’t find them all that flavourful, olive oil and sea salt, it just wasn’t enough sea salt.


  5. I worked on “my” mountain bike trail Saturday morning, then rode 21 miles on a different trail Sunday morning. It was hot! Later, I added a gallery devoted to black-and-white and monochrome pictures to my website.


  6. I had a great weekend, Frank. I’m in Maine (which is always wonderful), we had great weather and a visit from my brother and sister-in-law. Kayaking, hiking, playing with the pup and lots and lots of time to just chat. A perfect weekend.

    Of course, now I need some caffeine, like that spider … thanks for the shout-out, Frank.


  7. LOL! Great video. Thank you for the laugh today, Frank. I needed it. 🙂
    My weekend was busy, too. Yesterday was the highlight, going to the beach and seeing the wild horses.


  8. Heeeey – You went to a ballgame too this weekend…FUN!
    LOL on the giveaway.
    We got a replica statue of the Ernie Banks statue that’s outside of Wrigley Field.

    The spidey vid was quite entertaining!


  9. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend – bad weather, hmmmmmmm, don’t send it our way. We sweated it out in 104 and 103 temperatures (no rain, just beautiful sun) tree trimming and weeding, among other things. What a relief when we went indoors ~ even the squirrels were spread out on the large stones in our yard trying to stay cool under the big oak tree.


  10. Sounds like a happy weekend!
    Sorry about the weather – it’s headed this way late Tues I think. It’s been about 100 all weekend so add that to the mosquitoes and it’s indoor time for everyone….and I think they were all at the mall judging from the parking lots – school shopping has started.
    So many great things to celebrate, but Thurs looks like a winner with jelly beans, chili dogs and cheesecake (next is stomach ache day?)


  11. Well, my flat was broken into, then puzzled that they didn’t take a single thing. But then not puzzled when I remember I don’t really have valuables or gadgets worth taking. My cat was safe which was the most important thing and they never vandalised anything, it was actually not even very messy, quite considerate thieves in a weird way!


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