On No-Ducking Monday

Greetings … so how was your weekend?

How about your weather? Cincinnati started cold zero F (-17 C), but hey hey hey, Sunday’s temp climbed to mid-30s (2 C). Then again, I know some of you are more northern than I.

Our weekend centered around the ballroom. Our tango formation attended a competition as an exhibition. All considered, we did OK … but I enjoyed watching a variety of individual competitors. Some of you ladies would have enjoyed the gowns. Simply wow … and at the exhibits I noticed that dresses priced over $4K!

After a hectic day, we took Saturday night to finally watch the Kennedy Center Honors show. That was awesome entertainment. Did you see it?

Celebrations for Your Week

  • (Week) Cuckoo Dancing Week, Vocation Awareness Week, No Tillage Week, Universal Letter Writing Week
  • (Mon) Feast of the Fabulous Wild Men Day, Marzipan Day, Curried Chicken Day, Pharmacist Day, Clean Off Your Desk Day
  • (Tues) Blame Someone Else Day, Rubber Duckie Day, Make Your Dream Come True Day, Poetry at Work Day, Public Radio Broadcasting Day, Peach Melba Day
  • (Wed) Kite Day, Dress Up Your Pet Day, Bald Eagle Appreciation Day, Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day, Organize Your Home Day
  • (Thurs) Humanitarian Day, Champion of the Month Day, Elementary School Teacher Day, Freshly Squeezed Juice Day, Get to Know Your Customers Day, Strawberry Ice Cream Day, Snowflake Bentley Day

Given that many of you enjoyed Mahna Mahna to start last week, thought I would use The Muppets to highlight one of the daily celebrations above. Did you notice it? Have a good week!

99 thoughts on “On No-Ducking Monday

    • SK,
      I agree with you one both counts … yep … 50s in Florida just isn’t right …. especially because it cut into your boating time! …. but yes, it’s hard to show empathy. 😉 Nonetheless, we are all proud of your toughness for getting through the weather obstacles. 😉 ..


  1. It’s still cold enough over here for me to continue quaffing Port at night, Frank. My weekend was a blur, but I recall ushering a pretty good off-Broadway play on Sunday with a fellow usher who’s always a pleasant ushering partner.


  2. I’ve just realised Ernie is quite old now – my girls loved this song when they were tiny – and they are not any more! It appears to be standing the test of time – I could sing along quite well 🙂 It’s just as well I never took up ballroom dancing – the cost of the gowns would have slayed me! But oh how I would have fancied myself wearing one and quick stepping around that floor!

    Our weather has cooled down a bit in the last two days, which is really nice, there is more energy for doing when you’re not melting 🙂 And the paint doesn’t dry on the brushes before you’ve gotten it to the paper!


    • Pauline,
      Because you recently mentioned the warmth, so hooray for a bit cooler … which sounds like the weather I like the most.

      Cheers to Ernie taking you back to a time when your girls were young. You will have to remind them about Tuesday’s celebration!

      Those dance gowns are for those who compete, which is not us, nor the people we hang around. But one thing for sure, a lot of beauty!


  3. Rubber Duckie, yay!!!!
    Ah… trust your Monday posts for a smiling day!
    Sounds like brrrreezing cold! Our weather here has gone from ice cold and snowing to dump, rainy and appx 10ºC up since last week! BUT we expect another chilly outbreak towards the end of this week.
    Happy Monday, my friend and a beautiful new week.


  4. I wonder how many sang along with Ernie! I know I did! Week-end here was – gee, I barely know! I know I went out here and there but not like I usually do. Today more than makes up for it so Zeke and I will be taking one of our walks, camera in hand! It is lightly snowing and quite mild (only -4 C feeling like -8 C… practically shorts weather! 😉 )

    Maybe ballroom will be in my future… Mick wasn’t much for the dance…


      • Yeah… I make a funny, don’t I?
        I am indeed interested… and I have much trouble sleeping lately so I figure I’ll be checking out some of the ones I have missed (because I have seen 2-3 of your posts on ballroom!) A friend of mine took up tango all by herself, so why couldn’t I take up ballroom?


        • One of the biggest benefits is meeting new friends. Yes … we have a group identified as dance friends. I’m starting to learn more about the solo people who attend. Interesting because it’s not all that one would believe. There some are single, divorced, or widowed … and (of course) all with a story. But there is another group, the married with a spouse who doesn’t want to dance. Nonetheless, (at least at the place we dance a lot), the respectful nature to all is impressive.

          Liked by 1 person

        • With a common interest! I would like to believe that all dance studios (amateur) would have that aspect of respect for one another… I attended wine classes sans spouse in the past; so it’s not like I’m afraid to go out there solo. Of course dance would be fun with a partner which is why I never went. Figured it would be more fun with Monsieur. But now… maybe it will still be fun!


  5. We went to Brighton on Saturday and had a walk along the seafront, it was pretty bracing but not unbearably cold, mind you I’m pretty good at layering myself up with thermals because I can’t bear the cold! I am drawn to the Feast of the Fabulous Wild Men Day – have been looking out of the window, but can’t see any signs of that being celebrated around here, not sure what I’m looking for, but I’m pretty sure I’d recognise it if I saw it!


    • Vanessa,
      I imagine a January walk along the seafront can be a tad nippy … yet also refreshing and invigorating!

      Regarding the Feast of the Fabulous Wild Men Day, here’s the best description I found about the occasion… “Ogle and whistle at all the hunks you come across ! Just act wild and ask all your friends to do the same.” … knowing that you are the shy and refined type, I’m confident that you can do this!!!


  6. I FEEL GOOD!!!! Mornin’ aFA. Just as I hit the street this a.m. to do my 3-miler, guess who hit my ear-buds????? Father of Soul…James Brown….I FEEL GOOD!!! HEY! Crank up that volume and hit the pavement hard and fast. Whew!!!!
    Down to business: It’s Monday and I’m taking Door #One….”Cuckoo Dancing Week” because Lovely Missy D. and I are going for the gold….Tango and Texas Two-Step Champs!!!! Just wait and see……..and our outfits…well! stunning to be sure. It’s a plan…….and you know how I love it when a plan comes together….


  7. This was an action weekend for me—well, an action movie weekend, that is. Saw The Equalizer with Denzel Washington Friday night and Taken 3 with Liam Neeson on Saturday. No shortage of violence, but it’s always nice to see the bad guy get it.

    I’d love to see you and your wife ballroom dancing in a video sometime. Maybe you’ll do a vlog of it someday?…


  8. Wonderful greeting Frank – sounds like you guys had the best time at the dance. While it was in the high 30’s this weekend, we bundled as best as we could and raked up another 16 bags of leaves from the yard. Hopefully the temps will be in the 50’s and 60’s this coming weekend as they predict and we can begin cleaning the gardens as a warmup for Spring. Making biga today for homemade bread tomorrow to be paired with a Tuscan soup filled with delicious vegetables. Have a great week ~


  9. Sounds like your Tango exhibition was enjoyable. I think it’s great you challenge yourselves that way. I’ve told you before we took lessons at Arthur Murray but I was always too “chicken” for the competitions. My daughter and I took the little girls to see Wicked on Saturday–their first musical, which was a delight to them and to me–and it rained! So it was a winning weekend all around. YES to Kennedy Center Honors. I never miss them! 🙂


    • Debra,
      Some of us were discussing the financial aspect of competitions … huge! My wife wondered how many of the competitors where widows with money. The competition was interesting to see, and I would attend again as a attendee … but it also reinforced our lack of desire to compete.

      Hooray for taking the girls to their first musical – which they must have loved. Besides, it is a fantastic musical! Cheers to another Kennedy Center Honors fan – which isn’t a surprise. 🙂


    • RoSy,
      Well … no matter how loud readers here chant, odds of us appearing on these pages are slim – very slim! But we appreciate the kudos. We do OK, then again, it’s always in relationship to the point of comparison.

      Liked by 1 person

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