On April 2015

Note: Opening Night for Meals: The Musical is Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US) with songs with any of the following in the title: Meal(s), Breakfast, Lunch, Lunchtime, Brunch, Dinner, Dinnertime, Supper, Snack, Snacktime, or Food(s).

April, spring in the Northern hemisphere, but autumn in the Southern hemisphere, therefore

April and October are seasonal equivalents.

April, the second rainiest month of the year (after July)

April, starting the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in leap years

April, ending on the same day of the week as December every year

April, called Aprilis by the Romans

April, fittingly for the blooming action of the season, its traditional etymology from the verb aperireto open

April, the second of the earliest Roman calendar

April, sacred to Venus, the Roman goddess

April, the fourth month of the current calendar year, but it originally had 29 days as Julius Caesar added its 30th day

April, called Oster-monath or Eostur-monath by the Anglo-Saxons

April, huhtikuu in Finnish, which refers to burning the vegetation to clear farmland

April, mail traven in Slovene, meaning when plants start growing

April Symbols

  • Zodiac Signs: Aries (The Ram) Apr. 19, then Taurus (The Bull) Apr. 20 – May 20
  • Birthstone: Diamond, White Sapphire / Meaning: Innocence
  • Birth Flower: The Daisy or the Sweet Pea symbolizes curiosity, playfulness and tenaciousness

April, whose moon is called Slash-and-Burn Moon, Egg Moon, Grass Moon, Hare Moon

April, with a Full Moon on April 4th 12:05 UTC, and a New Moon on April 18th 18:56 UTC

April in movie titles include April in Paris (1953), The April Fools (1969), April Fool’s Day (1986, 2008), April Morning (1987), Enchanted April (1992), Pieces of April (2003), Sometimes in April (2005), April Love, April Showers (2011), April Snow (2012), April Morning (2012)

Songs titles (other than the videos) include Sometimes It Snows in April (Prince), April (Deep Purple), A Rose in April (Ann Gray-Raven-Seanachie), April Is In My Mistress’ Face (John Rutter), April Rain (Al Jolson), I’ll Remember April (Charlie Parker), January April and Me (Roy Clark), Little April Shower (Disney, from Bambi), Pieces Of April (Three Dog Night), and The April Fools (Dionne Warwick)

April, the first name of many pornstars – but not everyone named April is a pornstar

April, the time of a series of 1834 insurrections in France against the government of Louis Philippe that led to violent oppression – thus the name, The Days of April

April, a series of Mackey Chandler books

April promotes adopting a greyhound, ASPCA, astronomy, car care, Confederate history, defeating diabetes, fair housing, financial literacy, child nutrition, home improvement, informed women, Twit Awards, African-American women’s fitness, decorating, pest management, safe digging, physical wellness, preventing Lyme Disease in dogs, women’s eye health & safety, community service, and tackling your clutter

April aims to increase awareness in alcohol, autism, cancer control, bereaved spouses, Cesareans, distracted driving, emotional overreacting, genocide & human rights, habitats, Irritable Bowels Syndrome, DNA-Genomics-Stem Cell Education, facial protection, heartworms, multiple births, health of minorities, Parkinson’s, sarcoidosis, STDs, youth sports safety, pet first aid, Rosacea, testicular cancer, workplace conflict, anxiety, and stress

April celebrates amateur radio, diversity, couple appreciation, fresh Florida tomatoes, frogs, Grange, holy humor, guitars, gardens, knuckles down, occupational therapy, pets, poetry, rebuilding, school library media, soy foods, zoos & aquariums, welding, and Thai heritage

April embraces Atlanta food & wine, Arab-American heritage, child abuse prevention, community spirit, customer loyalty, jazz appreciation, libraries, young children, military children, card & letter writing, grilled cheese sandwiches, humor, kites, landscape architecture, pecans, straw hats, woodworking, math education, recycling, smiles, and pets are wonderful

Do you have any special occasions in April? Which songs did you enjoy?

On Toasting April

Embed from Getty Images
April is here. For us in the northern hemisphere, it’s a time for showers and spring flowers. Leaves return to the barren trees and green grass emerges from its slumber. Migrating birds return to the summer home they share with year-round residence, and day and night air fills with familiar sounds that have been absent.

April is also a time for celebrations – a month to increase awareness about cancer control, Cesareans, irritable bowels, alcohol, autism, math, habitats, multiple births, heartworm, Parkinson’s, stress, pet first aid, testicular cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, DNA, genomics, & stem cells.

April is a time for month-long promotions about greyhound adoption, amateur radio, car care, welding, community spirit, home improvement, card & letter writing, facial protection, landscape architecture, safe digging, and rebuilding.

April is a month to appreciate couples, frogs, military children, decorating, holy humor, guitars, jazz, humor, kites, poetry, straw hats, and smiles.

April is a time to celebrate Food Month while cherishing culinary delights as soft pretzels, cranberries & gooseberries, grilled cheese sandwiches, BLTs, tomatillos, Asian Pears, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, pecans, and soy foods.

April celebrates Knuckles Down and provides 30 opportunities to issue a Twit Award.

April always starts with All Fools Day. I love this classic video that aired in the UK on April 1, 1957. (Start at 30 seconds) Enjoy – and good luck with finding a fool today.

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 176

On Politics
The way Washington is playing around with sequester cuts is just another example about the clueless, self-centered nature of the Washington establishment … and this includes President Obama’s symbolic pay gesture and the Republican response to it.

A legislator has sponsored a bill to establish an official religion in North Carolina. Someone wake me up and tell me this is a dream …or at least the other Carolina (where I would expect this)

As President Obama does fundraising for 2014 Congressional Democrats, I saw a Democratic majority in Washington would be a great boost for Republicans in 2016.

I found this site to be interesting – the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Although the gun control debate drivels on, Congress missed its opportunity for finding common group, thus I appreciate this op-ed from Dana Milbank.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion

  • Mississippi bans soft drinks smaller than 20 ounces
  • Businessman does work lying on bed like schoolgirl
  • Guy with 10,000 tweets, 15 followers ready to hang it up
  • Financial expert saves struggling zoo by firing all employees and getting rid of cages
  • STD had awesome time on spring break

Interesting Reads
Macaulay’s Catholic dissidents
Dinosaur Sex
Germany and Fracking
Time Place for Port Wine
Book Review about Herbert Hoover

As a tribute to the late Roger Ebert (1942-2013), here is a wonderful commentary about a movie – and one that I greatly appreciate.

On Potpourri
Cheers to Virgin Airways for this April Fools spoof.

I loved this one from consumer giant P&G, who actually promoted this in the Cincinnati during Opening Day festivities.


Those knowing my interesting in the interchange between religion and science may be amused to know that at last week’s Easter Vigil service, I read the creation text from Genesis.

On the handbell front, we’re going to have a concert in early May, so here is one of the selections.

Interestingly, injured Alex Rodriguez (New York Yankees) has a higher 2013 salary than the entire opening day roster of the Houston Astros.

Thursday’s (yesterday) game marked the 20,000th game for my Cincinnati Reds – a mark only attained by the Braves and the Cubs.

Looks like the 25,000th comment on this blog should occur this month.

Coming soon … Time: The Musical – Act 2 ….. And, hopefully I will remember to tell more next week.

Cheer up Saturday Morning Cartoon fans because there will be a post on Saturday.

This video (thanks Patti) will send you into the weekend with a smile. Have a good weekend! In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.