On a 2-fer Monday

For us in the northern hemisphere, spring has sprung. On the other hand, blogging has helped me realize there is another hemisphere that operates in the opposite direction. That is as a warm season is approaching one, it is leaving the other.

How was your weekend. Come on now — fess up! Ours included a dinner evening at good friends, an evening of ballroom, some shopping, and working around the new place.

This Week’s Celebrations

  • (Week) Cartoon Appreciation Week, Tourism Week, Drinking Water Week, Flexible Work Arrangement Week, Hug Holiday Week, Raisin Week, Post Card Week, Public Service Recognition Week, Astronomy Week, Red Me Week, Clear Air Week, Herb Week, Family Reading Week, Safe Kids Week, Jewish Heritage Week, Wildflower Week, Detect a Water Leak Week, Food Allergy Awareness Week, Nurses Week, Alcohol & Drug Related Birth Defects Awareness Week, Anxiety & Depression Week, Family Week, Dystonia Awareness Week, Be Kind to Animals Week, Children’s Mental Health Week
  • (Mon) Cinco de Mayo, Cartoonists Day, Totally Chipotle Day, Ferret Day, Chocolate Custard Day, Hoagie Day, Midwives Day, Melanoma Monday, Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, Library Legislation Day
  • (Tues) No Diet Day, Nurses Day, O. Henry Pun Day, Asthma Day, Crepes Suzette Day, Childhood Depression Awareness Day
  • (Wed) Great American Grump Out Day, Bike to School Day, Paste Up Day, Roast of Lamb Day, Occupational Safety & Health Day
  • (Thurs) No Socks Day, VE Day, Red Cross/Red Crescent Day, Have a Coke Day, Ovarian Cancer Day, Free Trade Day, Animal Disaster Preparedness Day, Coconut Cream Pie Day, Time of Remembrance & Reconciliation for Those Losing Lives during WW II, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

The decision for your Monday Morning Entertainment has me torn between Cinco de Mayo and Cartoon Appreciation Week. Given the dilemma, maybe it is best to provide two offerings for you.  First, here’s one of my favorite Bugs Bunny scenes.


Secondly, a merengue is a great dance for Cinco de Mayo. Enjoy … and have a good week!