On a Sugary Monday

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Cincinnati has been warmer than normal this past week. Fortunately, some cooler (and more normal) weather is on the way for the upcoming week … but the warm temperatures didn’t stop us from enjoying our weekend. How did you spend you weekend?

Our weekend was full with two nights on the ballroom floor (including participating in a Quickstep formation), work, and golf. The Quickstep formation wasn’t a train wreck … a good thing, but I’m glad it’s over. Mother’s Day (Sunday in the US) wasn’t big in our house because we don’t have kids, and our mothers passed away in 1987 (mine) and 2013 (my wife’s). I thought the handbell choir did a good job with Morning Is Broken.

Meals: The Musical returns this week. Meat is the Act 4’s theme, so song titles must include meat(s) or any meat. Use a normal menu as a guideline. For instance, beef, steaks, and hamburger are acceptable, but cows are not. Sausage, ham, and pork are acceptable examples, but pigs are not. Seafood items are not acceptable. The producer is amicable to common sense. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US).

Celebrations for Your Week

  • (Week) Hamburger Week, Craft Beer Week, Bike Week, Saluting to Moms 35+ Week, Reading is Fun Week, Women’s Health Week, Transportation Week, Return to Work Week, Nursing Home Week, Police Week, Food Allergy Awareness Week, Family Week, Work at Home Moms Week, Bike to Work Week, Etiquette Week, Neuropathy Awareness Week, Stuttering Awareness Week
  • (Mon) Eat What You Want Day, Hostess Cupcake Day, Root Canal Appreciation Day, Twilight Zone Week, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day, Jigsaw Puzzle Day, Mocha Torte Day, Women’s Check-up Day
  • (Tues) Limerick Day, Odometer Day, Nurses Day, Nutty Fudge Day, Fatigue Syndrome Day
  • (Wed) Blame Someone Else Day, Crouton Day, Donate a Day’s Wages to Charity Day, Third-Shift Workers Day, Receptionists Day, Apple Pie Day, Fruit Cocktail Day, Leprechaun Day, Cough Drop Day
  • (Thurs) Chicken Dance Day, Buttermilk Biscuit Day, Crazy Day, Marshmallow Fluff (Creme) Day

To start your week, here’s Sugar Chile Robinson from a 1946 clip, which means Mr. Robinson is currently 76 years old. Enjoy and have a good week.