On a Sugary Monday

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Cincinnati has been warmer than normal this past week. Fortunately, some cooler (and more normal) weather is on the way for the upcoming week … but the warm temperatures didn’t stop us from enjoying our weekend. How did you spend you weekend?

Our weekend was full with two nights on the ballroom floor (including participating in a Quickstep formation), work, and golf. The Quickstep formation wasn’t a train wreck … a good thing, but I’m glad it’s over. Mother’s Day (Sunday in the US) wasn’t big in our house because we don’t have kids, and our mothers passed away in 1987 (mine) and 2013 (my wife’s). I thought the handbell choir did a good job with Morning Is Broken.

Meals: The Musical returns this week. Meat is the Act 4’s theme, so song titles must include meat(s) or any meat. Use a normal menu as a guideline. For instance, beef, steaks, and hamburger are acceptable, but cows are not. Sausage, ham, and pork are acceptable examples, but pigs are not. Seafood items are not acceptable. The producer is amicable to common sense. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US).

Celebrations for Your Week

  • (Week) Hamburger Week, Craft Beer Week, Bike Week, Saluting to Moms 35+ Week, Reading is Fun Week, Women’s Health Week, Transportation Week, Return to Work Week, Nursing Home Week, Police Week, Food Allergy Awareness Week, Family Week, Work at Home Moms Week, Bike to Work Week, Etiquette Week, Neuropathy Awareness Week, Stuttering Awareness Week
  • (Mon) Eat What You Want Day, Hostess Cupcake Day, Root Canal Appreciation Day, Twilight Zone Week, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Day, Jigsaw Puzzle Day, Mocha Torte Day, Women’s Check-up Day
  • (Tues) Limerick Day, Odometer Day, Nurses Day, Nutty Fudge Day, Fatigue Syndrome Day
  • (Wed) Blame Someone Else Day, Crouton Day, Donate a Day’s Wages to Charity Day, Third-Shift Workers Day, Receptionists Day, Apple Pie Day, Fruit Cocktail Day, Leprechaun Day, Cough Drop Day
  • (Thurs) Chicken Dance Day, Buttermilk Biscuit Day, Crazy Day, Marshmallow Fluff (Creme) Day

To start your week, here’s Sugar Chile Robinson from a 1946 clip, which means Mr. Robinson is currently 76 years old. Enjoy and have a good week.

On May 2015

May, the fifth month of the year, but one of seven months with 31 days

May, spring in the northern hemisphere, but autumn in the southern hemisphere – making May and November as seasonal equivalents

May, with no other month beginning or ending on the same day of the week as May

The month May was named for Maia, a Roman goddess

Late May, being the official start of the summer vacation season in the US and Canada

May, with its symbols

  • Birthstone: emerald
  • Birth flower: Lily of the Valley signifying sweetness, humility, and return to happiness
  • Zodiac: Taurus (until May 21) and Gemini (May 22 and into June)

May moon

  • Called Egg Moon, Grass Moon, and Hare Moon
  • Full Moon May 4th 3:43 UTC
  • New Moon May 18th 4:13 UTC

May, with national celebrations in Armenia, Canada, Eritrea, Japan, Mexico, Norway, United States, and the UK

May, with many countries celebrating May Day & Mother’s Day, plus Europe celebrating victory over the Nazis in World War II

May embraces Asian American & Pacific Islander heritage, chip your pets, creative beginning, Haitian heritage, audits, Mediterranean diets, Jewish-American heritage, guide dogs, meditation, military appreciation, moving, preservation, older Americans, personal history, preparing tomorrow’s parents, Social Security education, South Asian heritage, date your mate, and recommitment.

May increases awareness in ALS, APS, arthritis, asthma & allergies, medical orphans, brain tumors, celiac, cystic fibrosis, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Huntington’s disease, homeschooling, lupus, melanoma & skin cancer, hepatitis, neurofibromatosis, preventing osteoporosis, physiotherapy, Prader-Willi Syndrome, pet cancer, toddler immunization, chemical injury, Tay-Sachs & Canavan diseases, Tourettes Syndrome, borderline personality disorder, high blood pressure, Lyme disease, stroke, preeclampsia, and ultraviolet rays & skin cancer.

May celebrates wetlands, clean air, community living, drums, Freedom Shrine, gifts from the garden, golf, Victorian women, Latino books, barbeque, bikes, eggs, hamburger, inventors,
pets, photos, salads, salsa (the food), strawberries, asparagus, beef, chocolate custard, and drinking water.

May promotes global civility, better hearing & speech, building safety, ecodriving, family wellness, gardening for wildlife, getting caught reading, global health & fitness, food drives for homeless animals, heal the children, healthy vision, Oregon wines, business image improvement, motorcycle safety, foster care, good car keeping, mental health, physical fitness & sports, service dog eye examinations, water safety, Finger Lakes wines, youth traffic safety, revising your work schedule, spiritual literacy, women’s health care, reacting, and respect for chickens.

Any celebratory occasions in your life during May? What songs did you listen to in this post? Have a wonderful month of May.

On a Merry, Merry Month

William Shakespeare (in Sonnet 18) wrote, Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May

May is named after the Greek goddess Maia – mother of Hermes, daughter of Atlas and Pleione the Oceania

May is the time for two astrological signs: Taurus the Bull (through May 20th) and Gemini the Twins (beginning May 21st)

May is the time for Lily of the Valley as the official birth flower … but other say the official flowers are daisies and sweet peas.

May is the month for the emerald birthstone – the one of love or success

May begins Beltane in the northern hemisphere, and Samhain in the southern hemisphere

May delivers many colors, but (according to somebody) dark forest green and pale sky blue are its official colors

May is a month of awareness for ALS, APS, arthritis, brain tumors, borderline personality disorder, celiac, cystic fibrosis, EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), fibromyalgia, global civility, home schooling, Huntington’s Disease, lupus, allergies & asthma, hepatitis, Lyme disease, neurofibromatosis, strokes, toxic encephalopathy & chemical injury, pet cancer, preeclampsia. skin cancer, mental health, Tach-Sachs & Canavan diseases, medical orphans, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tourettes Syndrome, skin cancer, Social Security

May is a month of culinary delights as hamburgers, barbecue, salad, salsa, strawberries, eggs, asparagus, beef, sweet Vidalia onions, chocolate custard, and vinegar

May is a month to chip your pet, garden for wildlife, revise your work schedule, get caught reading, heal children, prepare tomorrow’s parents, react, and strike out strokes

May embraces drums, EcoDiving, Latino books, tennis, bicycling, wetlands, clean air, Mediterranean diet, meditation, physical fitness & sports, photos

May promotes better hearing & speech, building safety, foster care, good car keeping, guide dogs, inventors, motorcycle safety, pets, youth safety, drinking water, spiritual literacy, healthy vision, family wellness, creative beginnings, and gifts from the garden

May commemorates Pacific Islander heritage, Haitian heritage, Jewish-American heritage, South Asian heritage, and the Freedom Shine

May wants us to smile more often

May birthdays include these famous people

Let’s conclude with Blue Rodeo singing 5 Days in May