On a Monday Heckle

Greetings from Cincinnati as our first winter storm is approaching, thus should fall overnight. We’re not expecting a dumping, but too much for this time of the year. I’ll probably give some updates in the comments for those to the east who may be in-line for the dreaded White Death of Winter.

Anyway … Tell me about your weekend?

Mine started Thursday as I went with a friend to Indianapolis (2 hr drive) for a national high school marching band competition. As a former band member, it’s interesting to see that it has evolved into since my days.

We returned to Cincinnati in order to attend a college football game that evening. Burrrr … it was cold … and a crazy game! Football fans know that 4 touchdowns and a field goal in the last 5 minutes of the game isn’t normal. At least we left the game smiling.

Meanwhile, the rest of the weekend wasn’t frantic for us, but we did have an evening ballroom dancing, an evening with our church wine tasting group, and we saw St. Vincent (staring Bill Murray) at the movie theater. It’s an easy movie to follow, an interesting story, and we enjoyed it.

Celebrations for your week

  • (Week) Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week, Fraud Awareness Week, Book Awards Week, Children’s Book Week, Global Entrepreneurship Week, Family Caregivers Week, Adoption Week
  • (Mon) Baklava Day, Homemade Bread Day, Unfriend Day, Prematurity Awareness Day, Petroleum Day, Take a Hike Day, Remembrance Day, World Peace Day
  • (Tues) Married to a Scorpio Support Day, Mickey Mouse Day, Push-Button Phone Day, Antibiotic Awareness Day, Entrepreneurship Day, Vichyssoise Day, William Tell Day, Occult Day
  • (Wed) Have-a-Bad-Day Day, Toilet Day, Carbonated Beverages with Caffeine Day, Gettysburg Address Day, Equal Opportunity Day, Geographic Information Systems Day, Men’s Day
  • (Thurs) Absurdity Day, Use Less Stuff Day, African Industrialization Day, Globally Organized Hug a Runner Day, Stop Smoking Day, Name Your PC Day, Peanut Butter Fudge Day

Last week was Sesame Street Week, so I celebrated the week by tagging a couple of my Muppet favorites. This one involves two of my favorite characters, Statler and Waldorf … you know, the two old guys in the theater box. The segment is actually based on this routine between comedians Milton Berle and Henny Youngman. Enjoy and have a good week.

On the Perfect-Timing Last Laugh

Given the crazy debt-ceiling debate, a tumbling market, and who knows what else is on the horizon, all of us need a chuckle to start the week. Better yet, maybe the words of Statler and Waldorf provide excellent commentary on the recent Washington buffoonery.

Enjoy and have a great week.