On Torture

sgtschultzUnfortunately and predictably, the torture/waterboarding news is playing out on party lines. On one side the partisan Democrats are trying to use the law to get-back-at the Bush administration; and then we have the GOP partisans defending their past judgments while labeling the opposition as un-American and terrorist sympathizers. Of course both sides uses rationale equivalent to a cow pie in the pasture.

Unquestionably, waterboarding is against the Geneva Convention; and (to me) breaking this agreement shows a wandering away from the always-important moral compass. It’s obvious that the White House and the Department of Defense knew, but are their decisions and tactics worth pursuing? Is it worth the financial cost? Is it worth continuing to address issues on partisan lines to further divide the country?

I have said it before here and I will say it again – I hope the current administration does not go down the path that some congressional Democrats want to take. It’s done, time to move on. President Obama has been taking the high road, and I hope he continues to do so. Senator McCain, an ardent supporter against torture, acknowledges past indiscretions but also promotes moving forward.

Although I appreciate Kathleen Parker’s approach of finding the answer when posing a question, this recent David Broder Washington Post column is also a good one; however, this Bret Stephens (WSJ) column has stuck with me.

I understand the “no one is above the law” argument Senator Leahy poses, but how much of his zeal is partisan? A recent CBS/NY Times poll finds 62% are against a Congressional investigation. Then again, why would Congress ever want to listen to the public?

Of course part of me also says “Press on” with the investigation so we can see what Speaker Pelosi actually knows. Even after her impression of Sergeant Schultz’s “I know nothing”, I find it hard to believe that a Speaker of the House with experience on the Intelligence Committee didn’t know.

Although I still say “No” to investigating the Bush Administration, it’s a resounding “YES” to nonpartisan investigation of Congress by outsiders to determine which members knew and shamefully remained silent. Identify them and then let’s get the bums out.

Image from Boston Herald Photo on File

7 thoughts on “On Torture

    • 3rd Stone,
      Spin is very appropriate with this issue, which is another reason why Kathleen Parker column I referenced is so good.

      … and thanks for the Papa Bear reference. What a classic show!

      Have a good one and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Very insightful take on the torture situation. You are absolutely correct that a criminal investigation of Bush administration officials would be a partisan mudfest and little more. The American people did not elect Pres. Obama to re-hash Bush’s policies; in fact, quite the opposite. Obama knows that such an investigation would be crippling politically, as it would be highly divisive and also unpopular. Why waste political capital on that, with such an ambitious agenda? Those on the far left who are disappointed about this decision should be happy to have a commander in chief with better judgment than their own!



    • Chef,
      Regarding Congress, I simply what answers to the following:
      1) Who knew?
      2) When did they know?
      3) Why didn’t they say anything?

      Thanks for the support and comment.


  2. Pingback: On Torture Shorts « A Frank Angle

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