On Torture Shorts

Torture and Guantanamo continue to be in the news. Here are some random thoughts on the latest.

On Congress
Seems Republican Leader John Boehner is questioning the handling of Speaker Pelosi’s knowledge of torture issues. Beware Mr. Boehner, as a leader I also have same questions for you regarding torture during the previous administration: What did you know? When did you know it? As I’ve noted before, I want to know who in Congress knew … that’s Democrats and Republicans!

Specifically on Speaker Pelosi, sure the meeting was classified, but there are ways to question. Madam Speaker, it seems that you blew it.

Meanwhile Republicans lost their bid for a bipartisan probe about Pelosi (252-172). Let me off a suggestion to everyone in Washington that also saves time and money. Just publish a list of all members of Congress who were briefed, and then it’s up to the citizens.

On Media Reports
Recently columnist Leonard Pitts used a Sergeant Schultz reference regarding Speaker Pelosi. Hmmm, wish I would have thought of that anology.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich called for Speaker Pelosi’s resignation if she knew. Hmmm, wish I would have thought of that too. The difference being that I mentioned it first and he’s already changed his mind.

As the Democratic left continues to be upset on this issue (Newsweek), hats off to the President for working with the center. There’s something I really like about having the left and the right upset at the same time.

As former VP Dick Cheney continues promoting himself, columnists David Brooks and David Broder provide an interesting twist to ongoing barbs about national security.

If the current Obama policy is more like Bush-Rice than Bush-Cheney, does that mean some Republicans are currently against what they were previously for and some Democrats are now supporting what they previously opposed? The phrase from legendary Yankee announcer Mel Allen is fitting: “And how about that!”