On a Tough Wait

This evening we got the news that our friend (who is has been in the hospital most of November) has taken a drastic turn for the worse. I wonder if she will still be with us when I awaken in the morning.

I want to take a day away from my planned post for her and her family. I know she would suggest I press on, by hey, this is still a post.

No matter if one has faith or not, no matter the religion, and regardless of geography, human nature is to feel a sense of sadness during times like this.

So on this night and through the day tomorrow, I hope and pray for peace and strength for her and her wonderful family.


Update 11:oo am EST Dec 1, 2011

We received word that our friend peacefully passed away at 8:15 am EST. I know no more pain and uncertainly, and in the spirit of the baptism that I believe, she is in a better place. I can’t imagine what her family is feeling after having their life turned upside down in a matter of 3 weeks. Please keep “the family of Frank’s friends” in your prayers. Thanks everyone for caring.

45 thoughts on “On a Tough Wait

    • Elyse,
      I know what you mean about the Like button on post as these because I have often wondered the same thing. We are in shock and with heavy hearts, but it’s nothing like what her husband, two kids (in their mid-20s), and the rest of her family are going through. Miracle turnarounds have happened, so I still have hope. Many thanks!


    • Mags,
      Although each person handles these situations differently, it doesn’t mean that it’s easy for anyone. Yet I am one who thinks that we concentrate on our loss and not their gain. Nonetheless, hope still remains. Many thanks!


  1. So very sorry to hear this. Prayers for your friend, her family and you and yours. You are right to take a break from the blog for a day (or even two) to be where you need to be.


    • Nancy,
      I recall the last time I saw her – at handbell practice – and my wife was one of the ones telling her that she needed to return to the doctor. Oh how quickly life can change. Many thanks for your prayers, and I will return with my normal Friday post.


    • Patti,
      Her family has been hit with a ton of bricks – something that I can’t imagine, thus the importance of concentrating on her and her family. My Friday Opinion in the Shorts will go on! Many thanks!


    • Meesh,
      That is absolutely paramount. After all, we mourn our loss and not their gain. However, good news is that I did not awaken to an email delivering the news. Many thanks for your thoughts.


        • Meesh,
          Celebration is important, and being that our congregation is positive, I imagine the funeral service will be a celebration of her life.

          Interesting you mention so early in her life because I was thinking about that this afternoon. I’m not sure of her age – mid 50s – and that is early – and younger than my mother who passed away just shy of 58 in 1987. You probably recall the series I posted about that event.

          Nonetheless, you ache for our loss, and must shift the focus to her gain. Thanks for your kind words and concern.


  2. Us humans don’t deal with uncertainty very well, particularly at times like this – Its always hardest not knowing what’s going to happen, not knowing if fate is calling ‘come in number 10, your time is up’ from the side of the boating lake of life. Hope she pulls through.


      • Just read the update – so sad 😦 I guess that a fast end is its own kindness, its just the hole left behind has such a ragged edge 😦 Her family are blessed to have your support.

        No RWW this week – I’ve been home late from work every night so far and didn’t have the energy to open the laptop and blog – this weekend however, I’ll make up for it, I promise 🙂


        • Charlie,
          Work just has a way of standing in the way of thinking we like to do! Thanks for letting me know, and I hope RWW returns next week. (For those who don’t know, RWW = Red Wine Wednesday)

          Thanks for the note regarding my friend. I appreciate your description of fast ends.


  3. I’m putting this in a comment and will also include it on the post itself. We just got word that our friend peacefully passed away at 8:15 am EST. I know no more pain and uncertainly, and in the spirit of the baptism that I believe, she is in a better place. I can’t imagine what her family is feeling after having their life turned upside down in a matter of 3 weeks. Please keep “the family of Frank’s friends” in your prayers. Thanks everyone for caring.


    • Eva,
      Today isn’t easy for us that lost a good lady, but our sadness is nowhere near the loss of the two good people who lost the presence of their mother, nor near the good man who lost his soul mate in life. Many thanks!


  4. I am VERY sorry for your loss, and we pray that your friend’s family have as easy a time as is possible in these circumstances. Take care, we’ll be thinking of her, her family, and you.


  5. You know Frank, I’ve always loved this quote….

    “It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on Earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had.”
    —Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

    Oh! And by the way….
    I’ll see if I can remember to do this….someone very special taught me how to embed on WP.


    All the very best my classy Ohioan friend!


  6. I’m so sorry Frank. Take comfort in the fact that she will no longer feel any pain. Know that the soul does live on after our bodies are exhausted. Remember the good times with her and her spirit will soar to where she needs to be.

    I will hold her family in my thoughts and wish them peace and comfort in their time of need. *hugs*


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