Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 242

Because of the Thanksgiving holiday, this is an abbreviated and prerecorded edition of Opinions in the Shorts. More importantly, I hope all those celebrating the holiday had a wonderful day!

From The Onion

New York City’s Thanksgiving Celebration at Rockefeller Center

A Republican-led House of Representatives committee report about the attack at Benghazi debunks notions of a conspiracy. Because the conclusions don’t fit the party’s narrative, the people deserves another report. After all, this was only the seventh committee.

Cheers for … CNN returning to my home! … Receiving this year’s mystery wine from my Secret Santa from Texas!

Last week, Cincinnati-based global consumer product giant Procter & Gamble issued a statement in support of same-sex marriage as a “statement of support for our employees.” Since reported (and as one can imagine), the local letters to the editor have provided interesting commentary. Cheers to P&G!

How can anyone not appreciated NFL player T.Y. Hilton’s reaction after scoring a touchdown last Sunday and his television interview after the game. (Watch)

Congratulations to Alfonzo Ribeiro for winning Dancing with the Stars. We thought the Monday night show was one of the best ever.

Hooray for everyone participating in Act 13 of Life: The Musical. Life is full of ups and downs, so start thinking about the next act. After all, I’m sure readers can determine what follows positive emotions.

A shout-out to Pauline (in New Zealand) for this outstanding post about blogging, which is a good read.

 Interesting Reads
At Issue: Interfaith marriages in Egypt
Columnist Nicholas Kristof on immigration
Humorist Dave Berry’s Holiday Gift Guide
Athletics and neurons
The fall of the humble spud
Robots and creativity
(Graphic) Common Mythconceptions

Headlines from The Onion
Report: None of good cousins coming to Thanksgiving this year
Man had no idea what to do with visiting friends between meals
Family revels in height difference between mother and tall son
Man tentatively takes shot at bad mouthing girlfriend’s family for the first time
Americans enjoying Thanksgiving tradition of sitting around the airport
Turkey pardon mishap results in release of serial murderer

The celebration list mentions French Toast Day (Friday) … so here’s a unique toast to toast.

Celebrations for your weekend

  • (Fri) Leftovers Day, Buy Nothing Day, Red Planet Day, Flossing Day, Gone-ta-Pott Day, Maize Day, Black Friday, Day of Listening, Letter Writing Day, Native American Heritage Day, French Toast Day, Your Welcomegiving Day, Fur Free Friday, Make Your Own Head Day
  • (Sat) Gnocchi Day, Electronic Greetings Day, Small Business Saturday, Day of Giving, Square Dancing Day, Chocolate Day, Throw-out Your Leftovers Day
  • (Sun) I Feel Well Day, Computer Security Day, Play Hooky Day, Meth Awareness Day, Mousse Day, Stay Home Because You’re Well Day

In the spirit of “Positive Emotions” from Life: The Musical – Act 13, here’s a song that will be a surprise, yet send you into the weekend with a smile … Smiling Happy Monsters by REM with the Sesame Street gang.  Have a safe weekend, and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

25 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 242

  1. I very truthful post by Pauline (I mentioned you referred moi). I do believe I have developed friendships through my blogging, some bloggers I have met in person, some I may never meet due to logistics, but I happily put them on my bucket list. One day we will hopeful meet and have coffee/tea/wine or all three. 🙂


  2. Toast has now taken on an entire new meaning, aFA.
    Please add me to the top of your party-invite list…in a relatively short period of time (spread hands from here________to here) I’ve learned how to play my red toaster (think here: “hot mama”) and I’ve got a few tunes to entertain your guests with. It will be fun (think: again).


  3. CNN’s back – ALL RIGHT!

    TWO THUMBS UP – for T.Y. Hilton, P&G, Alfonzo Ribeiro, and Pauline in New Zealand!

    Benghazi No. 8?!!! . . . Oh my.


  4. Great reads, as always. Hope your Thanksgiving Day was fabulous and you are left with ‘good’ leftovers (sometimes they can be not so good).

    I am braindead this morning so I have nothing on the Onion. Not even a favorite.


    • Val,
      Thanksgiving was a good day for us, and we hope it was bountiful for you! We love leftovers from this day! … Meanwhile, brain-dead mornings are OK … especially when linked to a major holiday.


  5. I rarely eat bread of any kind anymore, Frank, but this day after Thanksgiving I was in a diner with my pal, Martini Max. I had toast (wheat bread, lightly buttered) with an omelet. That video tribute to toast was well-timed, not to imply that I was banging forks on a toaster and singing the praises of toast. But I did enjoy it. I hope that you’re having a Happy Post-Thanksgiving Day.


    • Lame,
      Hearing about well-timed posts is always quite pleasing … so, keep your eye opened at a second-hand shop for a two toasters …. thus maybe you and Godsend could do a duet at work. Meanwhile, we had a good Thanksgiving, but now I’m trying to take care of the comments.


  6. Being desperate for gift ideas and all jazzed up by the relentless Black Friday advertising, I was really looking forward to your Dave Berry’s Holiday Gift guide, linked under “interesting reads’. Imagine my disappointment when I found, contrary to Dave’s assertion, that they were all bogus. Everybody knows that unusual gifts have to be battery powered. 😉


  7. I spent the entire day recovering from a very busy Thanksgiving. It’s nice to sit here tonight and read both your opinions and the links you offer! Always something I enjoy….and enjoy your weekend, Frank. I hope to have a very quiet one!


  8. T-Day was a wonderful day in the Tomczyk household–full of love and grace, just the way I like it. Even broke my vegan diet for a taste of turkey. Hope your T-Day was fabulous, as well. Saw the win of Alfonzo Ribeiro as well, and I don’t usually watch this show (prefer “So You Think You Can Dance”). But it was fun to see Alfonzo do his thing.


    • E-Tom,
      A belated Thanksgiving greeting to you and your family … and I have no doubt that you had a wonderful day! Alfonzo was good from the start, thus the person to beat. Plus he’s so likable!


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