On Satire Bits: Vol. 132

Hooray … the front has passed through, thus the backside will deliver several days of optimal weather. Simply fabulous … and this is great golf weather. Too bad I struggled in my last round.

Meals: The Musical is the next post. Act 4 features Meat, so song titles must include meat(s) or any meat commonly served. Caution against using animal(s) or any specific animal unless the specific animal appears on a typical menu. For instance, thumbs down to pig(s), but sausage, bacon, pork, and ham are acceptable. Seafood items are unacceptable. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 pm (Eastern US).

Now for your mid-week boost in satire to lead you toward the weekend. Not only cheers to The Onion for their wonderful headlines, but don’t forget the Combo Challenge where you construct an original headline with the words from The Onion headlines below the image. My Combo is at the end. Any favorites below?

Have a good rest of the week. Hope to see you at the theater for Act 4.

Embed from Getty Images

Houseguest asks if host has blanket that’s never been washed he can use

Area woman can’t wait to get home and take-off uncomfortable persona

Study: Best method of finding job still excitedly circling newspaper listing with red marker

Barber’s paunch keeping touching customer

College encourages lively exchange of ideas

New poll finds 74% of Americans would be comfortable blaming female president for problems

Man always carries gun in case he need to escalate situation

Report: Majority of Earth’s potable water trapped in Coca Cola products

Man thinks going to Vegas for things other than gambling somehow less sad

Troubling report finds dreamingly sliding down back of door after kissing date on porch plummets 78%

My Combo: Area female finds gun in barber’s paunch

57 thoughts on “On Satire Bits: Vol. 132

  1. I didn’t make a new combo because I couldn’t get over the shock of how closely this one describes me: “Area woman can’t wait to get home and take-off uncomfortable persona.” 😉


  2. I ducked when “Area woman can’t wait to get home and take-off uncomfortable persona” went by, but got hit square when I glanced back and it came the other way.


  3. That’s the perfect illustration after the burger post.
    A bit bleary today – we got 11 inches of rain in a little less time than the Rockets game…then the storm started. Darn NOAA weather alerts kept going off all night. Even Molly is bleary. (She had to sit in the front window and bark constantly at the neighbors’ garbage bags floating down the street.) Then discovered the newish coffee pot was not working! We live close to the lake so water drains fast, and we are something of a high spot on the prairie. There was major flooding like over the cars not far from here. And now it’s getting dark and round 2 is approaching.
    Must wander the meat market before the deluge!


  4. My fave – kinda’ scarily real though:
    Man always carries gun in case he need to escalate situation.

    My SCANDALOUS combo:
    Best method of finding job is by kissing the president.


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