An Incredible Gift of Music

About 5 years ago our church started a chime choir for adults. Since my wife wanted to get back into music, she jumped at the opportunity, and I joined her the following week to raise the total membership to five. Although all of us had musical backgrounds, none of us had experience with chimes or bells. I still recall our first “performance” as each of us had 8-10 chimes in front of us to play — and we didn’t have experience!

We’ve steady grown through the years in both numbers and abilities – and have played some very interesting pieces. Today, there are about a dozen of us and we’ve transitioned into bells and bells with chimes. For those familiar with handbell/chime music, we play level 2+ and level 3 pieces. On the other hand, we’re not the Raleigh Ringers!

The Christmas season brings us beautiful music, and time has brought us the contemporary, moving sounds of Manheim Steamroller and the Trans Siberian Orchestra (TSO).  In the spirit of Santa and as my holiday gift to you, sit back, enjoy, and marvel watching the Raleigh Ringers play a fast TSO song that you probably know (Wizards in Winter). Meanwhile, it’s time to take a few days off.

Merry Christmas to my Christian readers; and to others, happy holidays in the spirit of the greeting you prefer.

8 thoughts on “An Incredible Gift of Music

  1. Wizards of Winter maybe my favorite Christmas music theme and that was an awesome video by the Raleigh Ringers! Like you said, music is at it’s best during the holiday season.

    I’m glad to hear about the progression of your chime choir in church. I like the element chimes bring in general.

    Merry Christmas to you as well.

    P.S. I didn’t notice until now, but I appreciate you adding my site to your personal favs. Your site has become one of my favs because of the wide range of topics covered as well as the professionalism in which you post them. Thanks!


    • Trans Siberian sure has expanded the scope of Christmas music … and I like it too. Great stuff.

      Our choir transitioned from chimes to bells last spring. Actually we incorporate them together now. Personally, and true to my contrarian nature, I prefer playing and hearing chimes over bells; even though more can be musically done with bells.

      Merry Christmas Dave and thanks for reading!


    • Cindy: Glad you enjoyed it … and I hope you saw the video link I gave you on yesterday’s post.

      Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.


  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    That was an impressive display of musical genius. I love Transiberian Orchestra – along with about a thousand other genres, but that was an excellent rendition of one of my holiday favorites!


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