On Golf’s U.S. Open

My favorite golf tournament starts today at Bethpage – an American classic, the USGA U.S. Open. Take your pick: Father’s Day week, a standard of excellence, a tradition of greatness, the high rough, narrow fairways, tough pin placements, and ultra-slick greens – simply a measure of survival as winning requires strength, skill, stamina, intelligent course management, and exceptional execution.

The U.S. Open is our national championship that gives everyone a chance to earn their way by qualifying, which means a dream come true for a few – something they may never achieve in the future and possibly for only two days.

The U.S. Open is very demanding: a major test of mind, body, and skill. The conditions push the limits of the world’s best players, but within the rules of golf and the same for all. For the players who think it’s too demanding or even unfair, keep it in the fairway or don’t play. For spectators who miss a shootout of birdies, then don’t go or don’t watch.

The U.S. Open is about surviving to glory, but as no golfer wants this brutally on a regular basis. Even though I root for the course to bring the best players in the world to their knees, this is the one week a year I marvel at the skills rising to meet the challenge. So good luck guys and advance cheers to the victor. Well, as long as you’re over par.

12 thoughts on “On Golf’s U.S. Open

  1. hello frank!

    thanks a lot for visiting my blog! i really appreciate you dropping by there even if there are times when i can’t return the favor. sorry about that.

    and thanks for the word “putt-putt”. that is something new to me which is an addition to my brain’s dictionary! great and thanks!

    in my dreams, maybe i can join the US open golf tournament. haha! i wish!

    so, you love golf, too? i supposed.. but you mentioned in your post “as NO golfer…” which means you aren’t a golfer but you love the sport? sorry… my brain’s not to huge to understand. hehe.

    hugs to you and your family!


    • Maxi,
      To the contrary, I’ve golfed a long time and enjoy it a lot … and also enjoy watching the pro tournaments on television. Plus I’ve been able to attend several tournaments, which includes seeing Tiger Woods several times.

      I enjoy your blog, and am about to return to comment about the site you recently posted, which I can’t recall the name.

      Hope you return to putt-putt! Thanks and keep smiling!


  2. Well I’m naively hoping my commenting about purchasing a Cleveland wedge registered with my wife, who could careless about golf or almost any other sport. She normally leaves the room when I’m watching Big Break or any tournament on the Golf Channel. She has noticed that I’ve got my 4 year old son into the sport. He recognizes Tiger Woods now.

    I personally can not wait to watch. My son & I will hang out somewhere to watch the U.S. Open this weekend.

    Thanks for the post, your thoughts are always “up to par”. (Yes, I know bad joke. Sorry.)


    • Tim,
      I’m lucky as my wife not only enjoys watching golf, she also plays the game. Meanwhile, keep watching with your son. Idea … take him to a putt-putt course!
      Have a good weekend.


  3. Hi Frank — I’ve planned my weekend so that I can watch the US Open.

    Unfortunately the rain has given an advantage to some and has taken some players completely off their game. That’s disappointing but our pros are still playing some good golf and it’s still full of suspense and it’s entertaining.

    Happy Father’s Day!


    • Hi Paulette,
      The weather sure has but a damper on my excitement. As a guy who roots for the course in this tournament, you can imagine my shock at -8 after two rounds. Sure I realize that is the rain’s effect of softening the course (especially the greens), but it’s just not the same for me.

      NBC has done very well. Then again, both they and CBS do great coverage during the season. Let’s face it … a great game.

      Gotta love the Bethpage roar with birdies and great shots. Just part of the excitement.

      Thanks for dropping by … and rearrange your schedule to watch on Monday!


  4. Wow — what a Monday surprise we had. Good for Glover.

    Barnes was butter on a hot rock…

    Phil almost had it…

    Tiger had a a chance but just couldn’t string two birdies back to back without giving back one…


    • Paulette,
      At least Monday was a bit more my style as the course was getting the better of the players. Those first 3 rounds were tough on me! LOL

      Barnes’ swing looked horrible early, but he stayed in it. Too bad Duval at a tough start on Monday, but then he bounced back.

      And to think if Tiger had a putt or 2, his posted/final score would have been in their head.

      Considering his wife’s story, sure could tell Phil was working hard for her. It was great to see him interact with the fans between holes.

      Cheers … thanks for the comment.


      • Paulette,
        Sure Mitt will keep himself in front of the cameras positioning for 2012, I agree with you … thus just don’t think he’ll get it. The GOP nominee may be someone from the pack … and doubtfully the SC governor!

        Thanks for commenting!


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