On Election Night 2012

It’s Election Night in America. I wrote this post several days ago with this night in mind so, at the time I publish this, the elections results are young and without a declared winner in the race for president.

While one party likes to walk around with the pocket Constitutions, all members of Congress swear to uphold it. The U.S. Constitution is an interesting document, but to me, the following are the three most important words: We the people.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We the People elect members to Congress to represent We the People in order to pass laws, control the budget, and exercise authorities granted by the Constitution.

We the People elect members to represent all people, which means not just the ones who voted for the elected; not an ideology; not a political party; not a religion, not a financial donor, not a special interest – but yes, to represent We the People.

We the People elect members to serve all people regardless of their faith, thus the elected are not to serve their religious preference. After all, the Constitution is quite clear regarding religion. Let the elected not forget that the Constitution lacks words as God, Creation, Christian, Jesus, and Lord (which only appears in the Signatory section).

Although Christian principles may have influenced the Founding Fathers, the Constitution does not declare the U.S. as a Christian nation. If the elected represent Christianity, what about the nonChristians? If the elected represents Christianity, which denomination will you represent? Then, what about the other Christians?

We the People are from all faiths and no faiths, therefore, our representatives should avoid submitting proposals on behalf of Christianity because what the church considers best for itself may not be in the best interest of We the People.

Representing We the People requires avoidance of firm ideology or a party each of these diverts attention from the needs of We the People. Adherence to a party or ideology silences We the People, and blocks the path to meaningful solutions.

Representing We the People requires conviction to represent the needs of the people who did not vote for the elected. After all, they too are We the People.

Representing We the People requires patience, the ability to listen, to desire to find the common good for all, to watch-out for and respond to human need that is beyond one’s self interests, party, or ideology.

Representing We the People requires discussing among yourselves to share ideas and concerns in order to work toward a solution for the common good – an idea that may be found in one side, the other, a compromise, or outside the grounds established by ideology, party, religion, self-interest, or special interest.

We the People need effective government to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, to provide a common defense, to promote general welfare, and to secure liberty for all of We the People. Especially during this time, we need our elected officials to make difficult decisions – the ones that test their gut against their party, their ideology, their religion, their self-interest, their donors, and special interests.

Along with a president, on this day we elect all 435 members of the House of Representatives, and 33 members (approximately one-third) of the Senate. Their task seems simple, but I also know they will represent religion, a party, an ideology, self-interests, special interests, and donors over We the People – therefore, let me be the first to say the following about the newly elected, ‘Starting in 2014, throw the bums out. All of them! Clean house!” After all, We the People deserve better.

45 thoughts on “On Election Night 2012

  1. Um .. 465 House members? I thought it was 435 – did we add some I missed? 😯
    You know, with dangerous, free-thinking whackos like you, the next thing we’ll hear is nonsense about “loving thy neighbor”! It’s people like you that give the phrase “selfish interests” a bad name! 😉 😀


  2. We The People I believe Great change and lots of positive changes can come about by not one man or one group or by corporations but as you said We The People. hooray for independent thinking often confused with’ free-thinking whackos’. :+)
    I’m looking forward to No More Political Ads!


  3. Can’t say that I disagree. What I can insist–I’m a nervous wreck. Gonna be a long night-or month even. Jeez! You should be in the clear now with ads, however. Hope that one at 6:30 was, indeed, the last.


    • Kathy,
      Not a long night for me as I went to bed about the same time. I had the radio on, so I drifted in and out of reports … but did hear the final result. It’s over …. and I haven’t seen a political ad yet! 😉 Thanks for commenting.


  4. Well Frank I hope all turns out the best for America… because whatever happens there has an effect on the rest of the world… so I hope you have all done us (I wanted to say proud) a favour..


    • Rosie,
      I was sleeping at the time of the announcement, so advantage to being on the west coast! At least it’s over!!!! … which, unfortunately means back to gridlock. Thanks for stopping by.


  5. US has now made their choice and with big margin – congratulation! Personal I been in Obama’s camp, but I’m bystander … totally agree that we should go back to basics and it’s not only over there – that goes for the whole Western World. The little people (us) have been forgotten and we are only remembered when it’s time for us to vote and then for such short period of time.
    Most countries need a big brush … to clean out.
    Wish you all the best, America.


  6. After a VERY long day, and a surprisingly short night, I find myself, this morning, unemployed…and I couldn’t be happier about it!

    Nicely written post, Frank, and I hope your morning is a good one. 😀


  7. As stated above, excellent post, Frank.

    I only take issue with one point – our elected officials should represent the best interests of all their constituents. But if there is a difference in constituent views (say,raise or lower taxes as an easy one), they should represent those that voted for them.


    • Guapo,
      That’s a fair point. After all, they can’t represent every constituents views. On the other hand, when there is a divide, we count on them as a collective to get it done – thus the importance of listening, give and take, and for the common good of all. Thanks for sharing you thoughts!


  8. Hi Frank

    I find it interesting you wrote this before the very night – excellent way to go.

    We The People… yes, those very words.

    I had never contemplated just how much engaging a president is also engaging the cabinet etc etc. So very true. And I had never considered that…

    America can surely only get better, and better.


    • Eyes,
      I enjoyed preparing this post. Interesting, it was the ending that was the most trouble to finalize. Nonetheless, it’s food for thought for all democracies. Thanks for visiting and commenting.


  9. The flaw in the “throw the bums out” theory of governance is that if you get rid of the elected reps, the only folks who understand how laws are made left standing are their UNELECTED staff members. They already have plenty of power, thank you very much.


      • I think I am still really tired. I know that is what you mean. What happens when a member is voted out, however, their staff remains and goes to work for new members, showing them how things are done and, in actuality, doing just about everything but voting.


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