On a Monday Trio

Wow! It was quite the weekend! Many thanks to everyone who visited for the celebration. Your kind words were very special to me, thus a reason why I interacted with every visitor. Simply thank you! Meanwhile, it on to #1001 and a return to normality.

I was also busy on the personal front. Friday night we attended the Cincinnati Pops concert, featuring a production called Ballroom with a Twist – which had people from Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, and support dancers – all with the wonderful Cincinnati Pops Orchestra providing the music. It was quite the entertaining evening for us.

I worked in the yard Saturday morning and early afternoon, then we returned to the ballroom part of Music Hall for the Fall Ball – a local ballroom event. Interestingly, the cast from Ballroom with a Twist briefly stopped by. This afternoon, we worked in 9-holes of golf. So, it was an active weekend.

Given the flurry of the weekend, I need some a sense of calm to start the week. Because our handbell choir returned to practice mode, here is an unlikely trio – one guitarist, one flutist, and one handbell player. Enjoy … and have a good week.

34 thoughts on “On a Monday Trio

  1. Man, that was one AWESOME blow out. I don’t know about you, but I’m WIPED! So do we hit you up at 1500, or do we have to wait until 2000? (I say, just for fun, we co-opt each other’s blog, so we get double credit! Sorry, it’s the Chicagoan in me – post early, post often! 😀 )
    Have a good rest, buddy. Now we BOTH have a week’s worth of work ahead! 😉


  2. Nice to know that you still made time for life in The Real World as all the virtual festivities were going on on your site Frank. Now I have your site to thank for that rendition of “Downtown” by Mrs. Miller still playing on my internal iPod. You have a good week, too!


    • Le Clown,
      You will find that I don’t go to the edge as many others. Well, it’s not me, thus I wouldn’t be good at it. Meanwhile, my Monday Morning Entertainment posts are meant to jump start the week. Give me a bit, and you will see me! Thanks for visiting. Thanks for stopping by.


  3. That was a very enjoyable video. I’ve never seen the handbells played upright together that way before very interesting to watch.
    Hope you can regroup and rest today. Glad you had such a busy weekend. Life is Good.


    • Starla,
      That apparatus with all the bells is called a handbell tree. Actually, in the video you can see other versions. Definitely interesting, but something I’m not interested in trying. Glad you enjoy it … and life is good! Thanks for commenting.


  4. I would really have enjoyed your “Ballroom with a Twist,” Frank. My daughter and I went to a “So You Think You Can Dance” performance following the end of the show’s season, and had so much fun. After your weekend partying and revelry, you do need a quiet, calm Monday. Breathe deep…and lighter! ha! Debra


    • Debra,
      Oh how I love your final advise. Classic!!!

      Being that I’m not a watcher of So You Think You Can Dance or American Idol, I couldn’t see you the participants … but all were fun. Just an enjoyable show with the dancing breaking up the singing, plus the singing breaking up the dancing. Thanks for commenting.


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