On Satire Bits: Vol. 32

This week I did my first bout with leaves, so it will be a recurring event through late November or early December. Meanwhile, the we’ve had good fall weather and the Reds are ahead in the playoff series that is in progress. Let me set the stage for our mid-week dose of satire.

Yesterday I posted my thoughts of the book The Faith of Scientists. Long-time visitors here know that the interchange of science and theology is high interest to me. Plus, everyone knows of the battle involving evolution.

For your mid-week dose of satire, I searched The Onion’s archives on the evolution-creation issue, and surprise – there were enough for a post. Enjoy and have a good rest of the week. Any favorite?

Evolution Textbook Hidden Under Mattress

Area Musician Wants “Evolution is a Theory, not a Fact” Sticker for Guitar Case

Trilobite Reports Evolution Going Great

Evolutionists Flock to Darwin-Shaped Stain

God Introduces New Bird

Creation Museum Acquires 5,000 Year-Old T-Rex Skeleton

Sumerians Look on in Confusion as God Creates the World

Eons of Darwinian Evolution Somehow Produces Mitch

Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity with new “Intelligent Falling” Theory

Evolution to Begin Thursday

Person Believes in Evolution, Except for the whole Triassic Period

God Admits Humans Not Most-Impressive Creation

TV Listing – Nova: The Kansas Edition

Pat Robertson Says Pie not Delicious

53 thoughts on “On Satire Bits: Vol. 32

    • Elyse,
      I think I will have to do another round tomorrow – but a short bout. Thanks for sharing your fav, which for me is tough in this list.


  1. I gotta join the crowd, definitely Man not the most impressive.
    By the way, you’ll be doing leaves until either early October or late November? Quite the time swing there – or is your leaf bagger somehow attached to your TARDIS? 😀


    • John,
      Because you know Elyse, you realize that agreeing with her is a safe bet. Thanks for catching the typo … thus corrected!


    • Patti!!!
      Your choice seems to be the unquestionable favorite so far — so hey, your pick must be a good one. Glad to have brightened your week and I hope all is well with you in your part of California.


  2. God Admits Humans Not Most-Impressive Creation–I picked this before I read other comments. It is my favorite, but since it was popular, here’s the second best, in my opinion: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity with new “Intelligent Falling” Theory. I enjoyed them all! Debra


  3. Pingback: On Satire Bits: Vol. 32 « A Frank Angle | News 47News 47

  4. A lot of good onions this time. This one is a close second place “Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity with new “Intelligent Falling” Theory”, but my clear winner is “Evolutionists Flock to Darwin-Shaped Stain”. Love it! Now where did I put that bit of burnt toast from yesterday???


    • Val,
      The fact that the list inspired coffee snorting is a tribute in itself. Meanwhile, good choice, and thanks for sharing. PS: Don’t forget to wipe up the mess. 😉


  5. I’ll admit my initial favorite was mankind not being God’s best creation, but because I hate following crowds, I’m going to go with my second favorite, and look forward to Evolution starting this Thursday. It lines up with many of my early-life confusions about Evolution.

    Btw, you misspelled “bout” in the first sentence… just as a friendly heads-up!


    • Twixt,

      Many thanks for catching the typo … consider it corrected. 🙂

      Good choice with Thursday. Heck, I find all of these as funny! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Hilarious. My favorites are Trilobite Reports Evolution Going Great and Sumerians Look on in Confusion as God Creates the World. Here’s my evolution deep thought for the day: What would the incarnate God look like on a life-filled planet in the Andromeda Galaxy and what would the cross-event be?


    • Grant,
      The trilobite appreciates the vote of confidence. In terms of your question, I can say with certainty that evolution is not a model that predicts. Thanks for dropping in to my little corner of the world.


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