On Enlightening Light

CandleburningLight is many things as it can be a noun, a verb, an adjective, and even be transformed into an adverb.

We can apply different definitions to light in terms of physics, nutrition, religion, knowledge, burden, illuminations, and being less encumbered.

We think of natural light, artificial, black light, grow light, infrared, visible, incandescent, fluorescent, LEDs, fog, flood, spot, ambient, task, direct, backlighting, and countless more that I won’t try to mention.

Yet, on this day, I honor the celebration of light. I’m not Jewish, but as a Christian, I look for parallels. Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In this hectic time that approaches Christmas, Happy Hanukkah to those in the Jewish faith – especially Shimon, a kind and wise man who visits here.

Shimon, I know this post doesn’t give your celebration justice, so I hope for dignity.

Two minutes to help one understand this holiday


One+ minute for the beauties of the Hanukkah bush


Two minutes to visit the Menorahs around the world


Two minutes to see Jerusalem’s Festival of Lights


This pop song and video makes me smile

66 thoughts on “On Enlightening Light

  1. You brought an unintentional smile to my face, Frank. You see, the corner of the suburb I grew up in, bordered on Skokie, Illinois (that of Illinois Nazi march infamy), and the grade school I attended had a large Jewish population. Therefore, they taught us Hanukkah songs instead of Christmas songs one year! My mother was more than a little irritated, and sent a request with me that the kids be taught some CHRISTMAS songs. I suspect a teacher with my sense of humour received the note, because the next week, I came home singing “O Tannenbaum” totally in GERMAN! 😀
    But yes, I understand the solemnity of this holiday. So to all your readers celebrating this great tradition, “Shalom Alacheim” – I think that’s the proper spelling. If not, accept my wish, and forgive my faulty memory. 🙂


  2. Wow, Frank. This was an experience like no other. I can’t begin to describe to you, how strange it was to see how the American Jews celebrate this holiday, and how different it is from what I know. Even the scenes filmed in Jerusalem, were unlike anything I have experienced. It is very sweet of you though, to offer so much attention on your blog to our holiday, and in such a joyous way. Very generous!


  3. Thanks for the enlightenment that this post has given me.. I have often wondered about the Jewish celebrations.. now I know about this one… great post…
    To any Jewish visitors to your site, Happy Hanukkah!


    • Dave,
      Welcome first-time commenter. I don’t know much about it myself – thus I had a certain uneasiness about it because I wanted to be successful. Given that I’ve received positive comments from at least 2 Jews, now I’m pleased. Thanks for visiting and commenting.


  4. I am in a classroom with students writing exams so am unable to view the videos right now, but I suspect they are great… I shall return to watch later, Frank. Nice post.


  5. Very interesting post – don’t have on Jewish friend. Had a girlfriend once … but I don’t think she celebrated Hanukkah, she celebrate Christmas the Swedish way. It was very interesting to watch the videos … and get a bit inside information and beauty. Thanks a million, Frank


  6. Frank, you make me smile! Loved the Justin Bieber Jewish remake–fabulous! Thanks for reminding us all that our religions connect and overlap and we have much to enjoy about the celebrations of others. Cheers!


    • E-Tom,
      The two of us see people for what they are, not what they aren’t … And because we embrace cultures, we can focus on the goodness. Cheers to you as well!!!!! Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Even though I’m Catholic, I had a lot of Jewish friends when I was growing up, so I played with a lot of dreidels and ate a lot of chocolate Hanukkah gelt. And a lot of potato latkes. Once I even got to light one of the candles on the menorah. I have fond memories of those days.


  8. Excellent idea for a post. I must confess to knowing a little bit about the subject as I have some Jewish friends (one of whom who is addicted to bacon which kinds freaks me out), but I think that puts me in the menorahty (yes, today was pun day) 🙂


    • Fasab,
      Oh my … even a pun around a Menorah … makes me wonder how many times your incorporate puns with human encounters. Meanwhile, is there a phobia for knowing a Jew addicted to bacon? I simply had to ask. Thanks for stopping by.


  9. Well thought and well done post – I am glad to know more about the meaning and history – in school when I was a little girl before they did away with being able to single out any one particular holiday celebration, I think my kid’s elementary school refers to it as winter celebrations or some other pc bs….ug.. but I had a teacher that asked all the students what holiday was theirrs in particular and then we learned about them all – or somewhat.. It was probably second grade so while I am – no was a little in the know as to the why- the thing about Haukkah I really knew was the Dreidl song.. so this was great.. Happy Hannukkah to all who celebrate..


  10. I earn my living in the lighting industry (it helped immensely when my cooker hood, oven and spotlights all blew on the same weekend) it is interesting to note that there is a huge faith in ownership of lighting companies, this gives it more perspective as I have wondered why there are Jewish organisations of lightmongers and Christian ones and it kinda makes a bit more sense if the idea of it has a deeper meaning.


  11. De-lightful! I especially enjoyed the “I Light It” video. Having recently accompanied my son to a Bar Mitzvah (a first for each of us) I found enormous beauty in the Jewish rite. Chanukkah is another gift from such an old tradition. Thank you!


    • Peaceful,
      Glad you enjoyed this one. I must say that this post was fun to put together, and several Jews mentioned it was done well … which was important to be. Thanks for stopping by.


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