On a March Monday

This weekend brought for a blast of winter for Ohio. We didn’t get a lot of snow, but cold and breezy accompanied the flurries. Nonetheless, we still got to the ballroom floor once and went to dinner with friends, followed by coming to our house for dessert and chat. Otherwise, a low-key weekend.

What was the highlight of your weekend? Come on now …. time to fess up!

The current project is still dominating my plate, thus I have two posts on deck for this week: Tuesday and Thursday.

Although the start of March sparks thoughts of John Phillip Sousa, one of Alex’s recent posts (that I was fortunate to see) reminded me of one of my favorites – the Piano Guys. Couple that with my current project and Lindsey Stirling, and this is what you get. Enjoy and have a good week!

57 thoughts on “On a March Monday

      • Frank, I thought it was one of the most visually beautiful films I’ve ever seen. The images continue to play through my head 36 hours later. The 3D was very subtle, lending realism rather than cartoonism to the film. The tiger was superb; can’t even imagine the work it took to realize that creature – totally believable. Well worth seeing on the big screen while it is still in the theaters, but the story is a powerful one on its own and would translate at any level of magnification.


    • Carrie,
      No doubt more than us …. and with what is expected in a few days, I imagine you will have more again. My wife grew up in the Cleveland area. She hates winter, but doesn’t care for the cold, grays, and browns of Cincinnati.


  1. snow and white out conditions here. I stayed glued to my computer and tried to get some writing done. Glad to see you stopped by! Hope your week goes smooth.


  2. Plenty more snow here – on top of the recently melted and then refrozen layers. Bit of a deathtrap out there at the moment!

    Highlight was definitely a ‘walk on the sea’ followed by a sausage sizzle – they taste better in the cold 🙂


  3. Very spring-like temperatures here in south Texas, Frank, and the weekend, aside from having an exciting time keeping up with the adventures of a certain Dragon, brought little other than work, work, and more work (gearing up for the May 11th election).

    I hope your week goes well, and thanks for the mention! 🙂


    • Alex,
      I imagine San Antonio is nice this time of year. Meanwhile, I know elections are your money-making time, good luck. BTW – We were watching a show the other day and a person sat at the bar and then ordered Shiner Bock. 🙂


  4. Love Lindsey Stirling, she is such fun!

    We are starting to see periodic spring, so nice. Trees are starting to bud here and there and it was possible this weekend to enjoy the outdoor malls without being bundled up. I am afraid though we will be back to the bluster today.

    I am nearly done with my project from the pits of Hades, my office clear out. Once that is complete I will start on the next one.


  5. It’s been very cold here for Florida. People wearing boots, coats and scarves! Loved that movie. Thanks for the music video. 🙂 Last night we had a delicious Italian evening at the country club, and ate far too much. Off to gym this morning, and cocktail party tonight. Today I must start the packing. We leave on Wednesday. 😦


    • Paradise,
      Very cold Florida style is relative to the normal … so I know what you mean. Oh my … a bountiful Italian meal hits home! 🙂 …. good luck on your preparation!


  6. It was pretty cold at my house this weekend. I built a fire and made a hashbrown casserole and snuggled up with my Kindle and started reading Stephen King’s, “Mile 81.” (a short story that is so far verrrry scary) A quiet, uneventful weekend (which is a good thing for the Hood) Hope you have a great week, Frank!


  7. Hi Frank,
    I love the Piano Guys! We went to hear/see Handel’s Messiah performed by our Symphony Orchestra on Saturday. I was wonderful. Also continued to work on my big project and was able to get more accomplished. Oh yes, and went skiing at Winter Park on Friday. It was a good weekend overall.


  8. I’m just not going to tell you about my weekend, Frank. It would be unkind. It included quite a bit of sun…so we’ll talk about it some other time! Thank you for the Piano Guys! Always great! Hope the project finishes well, and as soon as possible! 🙂


  9. The highlight of my weekend was that craziness going on at Amazon. Frank, I am so tired of being cold. My hands and my feet are freezing right now – even with the sun shining – and we are expected to get 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow evening. Hurry spring!

    Ballroom dancing, dinner, dessert, and chatting with friends sounds awesome! Nice video, too. 🙂


    • Maddie,
      I start hearing the “I hate winter” cries from my wife in November, so when I read your words I could hear her voice. 🙂 On this next blast, your end of our state will get more snow than my corner> At least March is coming in with a roar, now let’s hope it leaves like a lamb. Hang in there Maddie!


  10. Oh Lordie, snow, snow, and more #&*@ snow! Not huge quantities, but just enough to make the streets lousy and force me into late-Saturday shoveling sessions to keep the church ready for Sunday morning. And just for the heck of it, the window in our back door exploded Friday. Yep – I pulled it closed with my foot (while carrying a box of firewood), the door swung calmly closed, and BANG! Glass flying EVERYWHERE! I tell ya, we have some of the CRAPPIEST glass in our old windows around this house! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
    Oh well, looking forward to a warmer (albeit wetter) week. Still got parts of the ditch to shovel out, then I get to rest over the weekend before I go up on the rack for my 6 month/6,000 mile check-up. (I wonder if the doc can check my alignment? I seem to be pulling to the right – I think my right-rear tie-rod is shot. 😀 )


    • John,
      Oh my …. The glass event seems like a quite the mess and the surprise. Probably loud enough to wake up the pets! Meanwhile, looks like you will be shoveling tomorrow! … and maybe shoveling and shoveling. Good luck.

      As for that checkup, I can’t imagine what the doctor might find … or not find! 😉 Good luck.


      • Oh, it hasn’t been too bad, just annoying. We seem to bounce between a few big snows one winter and a lot of little snows the next. 2 or 3 years ago, we were having problems finding places to put the stuff – at one point, the roadside snow pile was level with the front yard, which is 10 feet above street level! A lot of the snowfalls started out melting before refreezing as a layer of ice under the snow. Definitely NOT fun! 😀


        • And on a mid-week March miracle, we got almost NO snow! Oh, the stuff fell at quite a prodigious rate, but almost all melted before it accumulated. And we’re getting a bit of sun to get rid of the traces. The wife believes it’s divine retribution – Columbus got an inch of snow for every time this year they’ve claimed it WASN’T snowing here, while I was out shoveling, Works for me! 😀


        • Oh gosh, man, that is just horrible that you got snow and I didn’t. (Snicker.) I know lotsa other places got it pretty bad, too, including Chicago. (Snort.) I hope it melts quick for ya, and I’ll just sign off with ……


        • Hey, they’re talkin’ 60 degrees here by … Sunday or Monday, I think. Hopefully that’ll swing by you guys so you don’t have to clear anything.
          And sorry about the little “neener” thing, but c’mon, it was just TOO good to pass up! 😀


  11. Thanks for the video! While so many are chilling with snow, we’re rushing outside in between cold fronts to straighten up flower beds, trim trees ( beginning to bud out) and attack weeds in lawns -we know it’s soon going to be too hot to even think about working outside ( and we”ll be hiding indoors then)
    Have a great week with that project.


  12. Been a big fan of the Piano Guys for nearly 2 years now … my favorite is their’s “bourne vivaldi” – fantastic musicians. My weekend I spend with girlfriends .. had a great time up in and around Gothenburg – post will come next week .. you have to check out – the lush afternoon coffee. We had have sunshine and blue sky for a week now … but a bit bitter in the wind. NO more snow now, please.


    • Viveka,
      Thanks for sharing your weekend and I look forward to your post about it. Sounds fun …. but I imagine you have another 4 weeks or so of possible snow. Or am I giving snow too much credit? Cheers to your love for the Piano Guys!


      • It wouldn’t surprise me if we get more snow .. because here on the south west cost we only had one really cold day this winter and very little snow and it has to come down, but it better hurry up *smile


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