Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 178

On Politics
Interesting to see that Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) now has concerns with the Affordable Care Act. By the way, he’s up for re-election in 2014.

The US Senate has me in a snit. The people elected these officials to debate and legislate – but not to determine the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of a law. Civics 101 says that’s the duty of the Supreme Court. Sure makes me wonder about the constitutionality of their action.

Polls show that people have a low opinion of Congress and they don’t trust Congress. Here’s one key question to ask each member: What are you going to do to change those perceptions?

The Onion offers tips to Congress on passing a gun control bill.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion

  • Excited man only 2 therapy sessions away from resolving issues
  • Couple making out at bus stop like its Paris
  • TV viewer relates to totally unbelievable character that could never exist in reality
  • Boss has deft touch for making employees feel like shit
  • An airport security pig finds concealed truffles
  • Justin Bieber fan jealous of Anne Frank

Interesting Reads
The rise in pseudo-academic conferences and journals
Moving Bridges by Sliding
Picking the Pope
Evolution and good science
When alcohol was medicine

Honorable Mention to those who missed it because this article received many comments last week: America is pooping wrong

On Potpourri
Time: The Musical – Act 2 was successful, so I proudly announce to hopefully premier Act 3 in mid-May.

Congratulations to Georgette for being the 25,000 comment.


Strangely, there has been a recent rush on followers. Is this the forerunner to a something weird?

There will be a Saturday Morning Cartoon feature this weekend … and it will feature a cartoon icon.

Instead of some sort of entertainment to send you into the weekend, marvel at this animation by NASA of their Asteroid Retrieval Initiation. Thank you Alex for this great find, and I invite everyone to read Alex’s post on this venture.

Have a good weekend! In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

36 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 178

    • TBM,
      Oh my … that’s easy to answer. They are self-absorbed individuals who in order to win the next election, they cater to the interests of their biggest donors and their own image.


  1. This entire week has kept me silent. My heart hurts. I have been reading and commenting, I simply can’t write. Thanks for the reading material, I will come back and comment. The Moving Bridges and Evolution both look interesting.


  2. Best Onion for me – TV viewer relates to totally unbelievable character that could never exist in reality.

    Interesting article on vanity publishing journals too.

    As for Congress, how about a debate on bomb control after Boston?


  3. Question: What law is the Senate debating the constitutionality of that has you in such a snit?

    The first thing on the Onion’s gun control legislation list: “Write the law, Pass the law,” sounds like your “See the ball, Hit the ball” golf advice.

    Speaking of the Onion, they should back off those opposed to passing gun control legislation. After all, those folks have a lot on their plates as they try to catch up with the real world on not only the need for common sense gun control, but also immigration, gay marriage, changing voter demographics, climate change, and evolution).

    Oh, and by the way, you need to stop reading polls about people’s opinions of Congress!

    I enjoyed the science show about catching an astroid.


    • Tim,
      Senators as Paul, Johnson, and others declare that any additional gun control is unconstitutional … and that declaration itself is beyond their responsibility … they are senators, not justices of the highest court of the land. I can deal with the results of voting, but their action is pathetic … and to think that our respected senator went along with those nimrods.


  4. That Onion … is wired and brilliant … just read … this – fantastic!! Wonder how many the public will find???!!! The Onion’s Tips For Finding A Suspected Terrorist


  5. Bridge-sliding was intriguing. Evolution won’t be read, or believed, by those who should. Airport security pig makes Justin Bieber feel like shit. I’d pay money to see that one! 😀


  6. Justin Bieber fan jealous of Anne Frank–sadly, this is the perfect choice today, in my mind. After hearing his inane “guest book” comment, I’ve frequently thought back to it and wondered what component in his life is most missing. He needs early guidance and intervention, but it may already be too late for that.

    Sorry I’ve been late to read this week, Frank. My best friend lives in Boston and I’ve been doing an enormous amount of long-distance hand holding. What a week! And I’ve had a recent “rush” of followers, too. Nice, but I do wonder why?


    • Debra,
      Cheers for your efforts of helping a long-distance friend through a difficult week … which is a heck of a lot more important than stopping by here. …. and simply well said about our teen idol.


  7. Well, you know that my favorite article was the pooping one. When one is my age, effectively pooping is a top priority! Ha! I am also getting a rush of followers and it is making me paranoid. What is going one? Any additional insight as to why?

    Thanks for all your wonderful entertaining articles. They were a pleasant hideaway after this past week of mayhem. Here’s to a better week.


    • Paradise,
      Personally, I think many of the followers are spammers, but that’s just a guess … but some are new bloggers. Meanwhile, I wonder if Justin Bieber is a train wreck in the making.


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