On Timing Monday

Our weather was wonderful this past weekend? How was yours?

Our weekend stayed relatively simple with two nights on the ballroom floor, dinner with friends, a long Saturday morning walk in a local neighborhood, cleaning out closet in advance of a possible garage sale, and a low-key Sunday at home. How did you spend your weekend?

I foresee a good week ahead for me. Besides, my favorite golf tournament (the US Open) starts Thursday. Plus, if all goes as planned, Wednesday night/Thursday marks the return of Time: The Musical with Act 3 featuring song titles with Year (Years) in the title … so do your research!

For your Monday Morning Entertainment, enjoy this bizarre video about metronomes. Thanks Fasab! You can stop watching around 2.5 minutes.

Have a good week!

46 thoughts on “On Timing Monday

      • It was performed at our school many years ago.

        As far as the weekend goes, we were blessed with gorgeous summer weather for Pittsburgh’s outdoor Jazz Live Festival. They block off part of a downtown street and run top jazz acts on three stages along with food and arts vendors. We had a great time listening to jazz; even Angel Eyes came along and barked for her version of applause. A good time was had by all.


  1. First time I ever noticed that was when I was in the car as a child. I used to watch and wait for car flashes to synchronize! Hmm, should that make me worry?!!!! 😆
    🙂 Happy Monday, Frank!


    • Marina,
      Ah ha … good point! I recall that at my first apartment, there were two stop lights in the distance that only operated in the summer. Otherwise, the flashed … and flashed together every fifth flash. I must have discovered that while eating cereal.


    • Val,
      Four days in fact …. Starts Thursday on ESPN! … But I’m a bit sadistic as I root for the course, that is, I’m not a happy camper when the winner is below par.

      BTW – tell him that I’ve attended one US Open.


  2. Thanks for the mention and the video deserved a wider audience. I keep rooting for the little guy 2nd row far right, but eventually he falls in line too.
    Is this a metaphor for what the politicians are trying to do to us???


  3. Glad you had a nice weekend, Frank. So did I! The weather was beautiful and we did several outside events. Friday evening was Shakesphere in the park – “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Saturday was a friend’s birthday party and Sunday a concert at a venue on the river in the mountains above Fort Collins. Wonderful!


  4. That’s an incredibly interesting video. What initially confused me at first is that they’re all the same model metronome. Ergo, their swings should flow at the same frequency. Of course, my first thought was that this could somehow be doctored, but I had an idea that just might explain this phenomenon.

    Many of these metronomes were set at a fairly similar point in time. Meaning that their collective momentum would be more than the haphazard swinging of the others. This means that they move the table beneath them with more force than the other individual ones. The motion of the table eventually forces the others in line. This is why you see the table shifting slightly with an identical frequency towards the point of convergence. The collective momentum has caused them to meet up.

    An awesome video Frank! Really made me think.


    • Peter,
      Many thanks for the explanation. The first time I saw it, I noticed the table moving …. thus concluded what you explained, plus assumed this would not happen it they were placed on a stable, anchored table.


  5. I don’t care how it occurred, I think the metronomes are mesmerizing–a bit hypnotic! I hope you do have a good week, Frank. A golf tournament should be a nice way to relax! I’ll be thinking about my “time” song…we’ll need to dig a little deeper since so many have been used before. 🙂


  6. Very cool and fascinating video. Finally got a video to work! Yay! Don’t have sound, though. Boo! My computer “lost” the speakers and I haven’t had time to fiddle with it and find them again. Enjoyed the metronomes, Frank. And I hope your week has been going well so far. 🙂


  7. Worked all weekend and I shouldn’t start complaining about the heat so soon, but it was HOT! (Glad you had a good one, Frank!)


  8. Glad you had a great week. Last week the weather was beautiful in London. This week it feels like fall. Uh, what happened to summer. Enjoy the US Open!


    • TBM,
      I imagine spring to summer to fall and repeat is normal London fare. Meanwhile, the US Open starts today and I’ll be trolling around in search of the early TV coverage.


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