On Grocery Store Incidents

A grocery store is a wonderful place to witness a wide range of human behavior. Maybe that is a reason I used the marketplace in past posts. My recent trips brought these situations to my attention.

I cannot believe the idea came to me too late. A lady, who was buying a regular size bag of potato chips, was in front of me in the self-checkout aisle. I got the impression that she just put some money on a gift card, which had made its way through the cybermaze. The clerk got involved and directed the lady to the service counter. Then it hit me – I should have purchased the chips for her.

Some things make me feel guilty. For instance, one time I went back to the bank after discovering the clerk gave me 12 cents too much. Recently, I couldn’t pass on the calling from the Cadbury Egg display. Once I got to the car, I noticed I did not run egg through the scanner because it was still in the cart – not a bag. Heck yes I ate it, but several days later when I returned to the store, I paid for the egg with one from the display, and then returned the egg to the display

On the way out of the store, someone left a cart in the middle of a parking space, which was a space-and-a-half from the cart corral. To top it off, it was in the middle of a handicap parking spot. I pushed the cart into the stall, but I admit mumbling unkind thoughts. Later I wondered if the guilty party was physically capable of pushing the cart to its rightful spot. I will never know, and will not venture to guess – but I do wonder.

Past Grocery Store Posts

52 thoughts on “On Grocery Store Incidents

    • Guapo,
      Thanks … but I did pat myself on the back on this one. Interestingly, gloating isn’t my style. BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,991. Thanks for stopping by.


    • Elyse,
      Not to say that psychotic isn’t there, I see more selfishness and cluelessness of the world around them. Of those past posts, one is about selfishness (if I recall), but I really enjoy the one on popcorn. BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,992. Thanks for visiting.


  1. I think we are all guilty of making snap judgments. But it is what u do after making them is what counts. I think your thought process was right on target …good for you on being a thought full human being. I know the world could use more. 🙂


    • Blissful,
      Yesterday we discover our joint appreciation for Barolo, and today it’s the grocery store! Amazing!!! I do enjoy it and that’s why I’m the shopper in our house. BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,995. Thanks for visiting.


    • Mags,
      Glad you had a chance to drop by. Interestingly, yesterday just wasn’t quite the same … but I know it’s a matter of time until your new computer is up and running – so many thanks for finding a way to stop by. 🙂 BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,996.


  2. I think there is so many pressure to buy, in the market place, that many of us are in a defensive mode all the time; trying to withstand an insurgence into our mind. This makes our behavior a little slow. Even without the defense mechanism, there is so much distraction, that it is hard to weigh things the way we would in our own territory. Add to that, certain behavior patters associated with shopping, and it’s quite a problem.


    • Shimon,
      “Defensive behavior” is one that I have not considered, but I see your point – and yes, that is across all shopping. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,997.


    • Voice,
      Many thanks for the kind words. When thinking about it, life is full of challenges that challenge character, so it’s a constant test! BTW – In the countdown to the 10,000th comment, this was 9,998. Oh so close!


  3. You are so kind and thoughtful…unlike the jerk who left the shopping cart in a handicap spot. How hard is it to put the cart away? I always make sure to do this. My mom trained me at an early age. She would always ask me to do it and then she would pick me up with the car. And I have a few people close to me who are handicapped. I hate to hear stories like this or seeing a car blocking sidewalks and such. Some people are just so careless.


    • Mobius,
      Ahhhhh …. Oustanding! …. and thanks for sharing the insight.

      Meanwhile, although you were just a bit late of hitting a milestone, this comment (comment #10,001) is the the one that propels us to the next milestone! Thanks for being that catapult!!!


  4. I always thought you were a good guy Frank.

    I think for me, it depends on the situation. If I see someone struggling to come up with change for the bus or in the check out line I will, of course, offer some change. I like to think I’m as fair and honest as the next person. In most cases it just feels better to do the right thing. I don’t think I would make a trip back to return 12 cents though. 😉


  5. This makes me think there might be a “food chain” for bad supermarket behavior…based on the target clientele. Yes, I’m saying you get more odd/bad behavior at a Wal-Mart than at the “expensive” store that still has people to carry your groceries.


    • J-Dub,
      Wal-Mart is not a store one will normally find me, so it would be unfair for me to compare. Although I understand what you are saying about target clientele, I am hesitant to venture into that arena without more experiences myself. Thanks for commenting.


    • Bruce,
      And it is with the disabled and the elderly who struggle that I am very tolerate and even helpful … so it is the many other customers that cause me to cringe. Then again, I do see those who have trouble walking getting the cart to the collection points. Thanks for commenting.


  6. Now that was quite clever to buy the Cadbury egg and then just return it! I wouldn’t have thought of that! I’ll have to pay more attention to the behaviors at the grocery store. I tend to tune out! Debra


    • Debra,
      Because we humans have a tendency to dwell on the negative, the grocery store is a place where behaviors get to me – or at least a place where I take notice. Then again, watching people anywhere may provide the same conclusions. Meanwhile, I still remembering see that Cadbury egg sitting on my cart when I got to the car – and it bugged me – but I ate it, and then paid for it later. Thanks for stopping by.


  7. Oh, grocery stores can be GREAT fun. If you have a dirty imagination, many areas (such as the vegetables, or the canned whip cream aisle) can provide great muttering fests. “Now did she want the Cool Whip or the spray-on stuff? Does she like bumps on her cucumbers?”. Or, if you want to be good AND drive people nuts, pick a person at random and start packing their groceries. (Pack them CORRECTLY – this is the “nice” version!) If the cashier says anything, just tell them that “Oh, he/she is in the can”. See how long you can do it before the manager appears. My record (back in the Chicago ‘burbs) was 17 minutes at a Jewel store. I was even offered a job on the spot. Imagine the surprise when I explained I had a computer programming job, and was just having some fun! 😀


  8. Our 4 and 6 year old grandchildren love to go to the grocery store and push these little kids carts, with the saying shopper in training. Folks love seeing the kids, and the kids think they are playing some kind of real time game when we tell them to grab this or that and put in cart. The love the grocery game. Thought I would share a delight we have in our lives.


    • Randel,
      “Playing some kind of real-time game” … now that’s funny – but true. Plus it keeps them occupied! Make sure you teach them the art of cart positioning in order to respect the road for others. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.


  9. Many congratulations on your 10,000th comment! Good gracious that’s a lot of folks popping in!
    I also love watching people in supermarkets and checking what they’ve got in their shopping carts. You are an honest man to go back and pay for the egg. Many times when I scan purchases at my cash register [in the museum] I can miss an item. In all the years just a couple of people have come back to tell me.


    • Rosie,
      Odd that 10,000th comment is the same week as the 900th post. Supermarkets are a great place to people watch. .. and yes, we all make mistakes, and that’s ok. Thanks for commenting.


  10. It is good to know that there are still honest, respecting people left in this world. I let people with one or two items cut ahead of me at check out, and have added a little change to someone’s purchase to keep the line moving before. If the cashier miscount change, I always point it out, because I believe in Karma … BIG TIME. Sometimes a little act of kindness, might one day be returned. If not, it feels good to make things a little easier for someone else. Wouldn’t it be nice if the whole world reciprocated?


    • Orples,
      Welcome first-time commenter. Many thanks for the kind words and it’s good to know that you also believe in doing those little things! Cheers for to the many good people of the world! Thanks for visiting and commenting.


  11. Grocery carts left wherever in the store’s parking lot is a traffic hazard, drives me absolutely crazy. On numerous occasions I have been told by one particular store employee, that it is quite alright for me to leave the cart beside my disabled parking space. Sure there are days when it would be helpful, but all I see is a gust of wind taking it, or an absent-minded driver hitting it.


    • Catherine,
      Hey hey – thanks for venturing into the new Category. 🙂 Yes, unattended grocery carts in the parking lot can be dangerous. Yes, someone using a handicap parking spot can put the cart on the side. Yes, I also understand you concern for that. After all, that may be how the cart I moved from the middle of the parking space got there. (Well, I sure hope so). Thanks for sharing your awareness!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: On Shopping Carts – A Frank Angle

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