On Satire Bits: Vol. 22

A crazy week for me so far. I left Sunday to fly to a small city in Iowa. Tuesday morning I got up at a ridiculous hour to start the return trip home so I could be back in time for golf league. Flights and the drive were fine, but the golf is the worst I’ve played in some time. Maybe being tired affected my game, but I felt fine. I hate lousy golf!

Well, being in Iowa is why I have been at many of your sites in a few days. Nonetheless, let’s get some mid-week satire. A few weeks ago I shifted through the archive at The Onion looking for dog headlines. Well, cats have demanded equal time. Enjoy the mid-week chuckle. Any favorite?

Owner Pleads with Cat to Respect Fuzzy Object

Cat Taught not to Sleep in Wok

Independent Bookstore Acquires Cat

Inspiring Cat Overcomes Prejudice to Win Westminster Dog Show

Local Cat Attempts World Record for Things Sat On

Area Cat Allergic to Area Man Named Kevin

Raccoon, Cat, Can’t Remember What They Were Fighting About

Evil Genius Cat Subpoened

Cat Fancy Magazine Blasts Area Kitten

Cat Prepare for Anal Display in Owner’s Face

Papal Apartment Found Filled with Old Newspapers, Empty Pill Bottles, and Mangy Cats

On a Stretch for Monday

How was your weekend? We stayed in Friday because of the threat the ice storm threat. As it turned out, we could have gone out, but we made a safety decision.

Ice on the trees is beautiful. With the temperature staying below freezing until Sunday afternoon, the nature’s beauty stuck around a bit. Because the roads were fine, Saturday we went to the Cincinnati Museum Center for a great railroad IMAX movie (Saturday’s post), and then an evening of ballroom dance.

Enough of my weekend – on to the Monday Morning Entertainment. My wife found this 2-minute video of Russian lady doing yoga … oh – the guest star is the cat. Wishing everyone a good week – and enjoy the video.