On a Quantum Thought

Many of us had a traditional/classical physics course in high school. In not, you received an introduction in a physical science class. Today though, we must lightly differentiate classical physics and quantum physics.

While the foundations for classical physics are more than 500 years old, the formations of quantum physics dates back to the early 1900s. By the 1920s, the work by famous names as Max Born, Neils Bohr, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, and others began to bring quantum physics into the main stream. Today, quantum physicists led advanced developments and a deeper understanding in physics.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle examines the limits of accuracy in the interactions between matter and energy – or as I have like to think, an explanation of the certainty of uncertainty and how uncertainty is definitely certain.

Because I’m not a physicist, there are several purposes of this post. First, in my studies of the intersection of religion and science, authors frequently used quantum physics in various explanations. Interestingly, several theologians specializing in this subject are also physicists.

Secondly, I share an interest about the intersection with Nancy, the author at Conversation in Faith as she wrote, not so long ago, this worthwhile post about Physics and Faith.

Lastly, I have featured Symphony in Science on more than one occasion – and one of the more recent ones is about quantum physics. Enjoy the learning experience to music.

37 thoughts on “On a Quantum Thought

  1. I’m afraid my brain doesn’t have the capacity to understand physics. I was an absolute failure at science at school. I used to say to the teacher, ‘I don’t get it’. And she’d look at me utterly bewildered as to how anyone could be so stupid and say, ‘What don’t you get?’ And I just wanted to ‘get’ out of there!


    • Spiced,
      It’s ok that science wasn’t your thing as I’ve always said that not every subject is for every person. I can see the “I don’t get it/What don’t you get?” being a vicious circle … thus frustrating. Then again, the amount of physics and chemistry you apply in the kitchen is very commendable! Thanks for commenting.


  2. Frank, that was seriously cool. If the physicist that I once dated had explained it to me like this, perhaps I would have married him. Of course, I’d still have nothing to talk with him about, but I could have sung this song. Probably no the best thing to base a marriage on, though!


    • Elyse,
      Glad you liked this … and you don’t have to be a physicist to enjoy the video. BTW – The Symphony of Science videos are outstanding. Look for the link is on my sidebar under Potpourri. And yes – although you have a good voice, basing a marriage on a physics song may be difficult. Then again, with YouTube today, who knows how many physics songs are out there! Thanks for commenting.


  3. Hi,
    First up I would like to say how brilliant this line was:
    ” like to think, an explanation of the certainty of uncertainty and how uncertainty is definitely certain.”
    That really does deserve a round of applause, I love it. 😀

    A fantastic video, this would of been so very helpful many years ago. 🙂


    • Mags,
      Now how did I know you would like this post? ha ha … It terms of the line you liked, sometimes the words come out just right. The first time I used it was as a comment elsewhere, but I knew it was reusable. Many thanks for the applause, plus I’m glad you enjoyed the video. Thanks for commenting.


  4. Very pop and groovy vid. I’m not sure it increases my understanding of physics but it does make me wonder. And I like that even a tiny exposure to different ideas can send even a novice off into imagining things in a different way. That’s why I think science and religion are two parts of an imaginative human brain.
    (Next: The Dynamic Principles of Penazzle?)


  5. Frank, great post! I like the the Symphony of Science videos too. There has been some convergence in the past several years of quantum reality and theology/spirituality, but with a lot of controversy on both sides, as you might imagine. My favorite “popular” physicist is Brian Greene, perhaps because his father was a musician and a lot of his metaphors are musical in nature 🙂 in fact, having read several books by varying authors on quantum physics for non-physicists, those who use metaphorical language effectively seem to do the best job of translating the science for “the rest of us” 🙂


    • Lynn,
      No surprise that quantum physicists don’t agree about the like between quantum physics and theology/spirituality, but it is interesting that some of the leaders in the science and theology interrelationship are physicists! Thanks for the info regarding Brian Greeene …. and thanks for commenting.


  6. I just showed this video to Navar who is teaching Science. That was a great video. It was a nice mix with the music. I can see by some of the above comments that you have been up to your elbows in Spam problems. I hope WordPress gets this worked out soon. I enjoyed the video!


  7. I am no expert on this subject, but I also see physicists talking about string theory and how there may be 9 or 11 dimensions. I am not sure if that is quantum physics or not. But if string theory has many dimensions simultaneously existing with us, but we cannot see them, that could be the link between science and God staring us in the face.


    • Randel,
      I no quantum physicists by any means and have zippo knowledge on string theory. However, someone in this post provided a link to a video of a quantum physicist taking the line you mentioned. Interesting stuff … and thanks for visiting.


    • String theory is really its own subject in physics though it can be related to both classical and quantum physics. (John, jump in and yell at me if I get this too far off base!) Classical physics (including Relativity) is great for describing how the known universe works as long as we can ignore the behavior of particles … quantum/particle physics is used to explain the behavior of very small particles but must assume gravity is such a small force it can be neglected (eg the math won’t work if gravity is factored in). String theory has the potential for giving us an answer that would allow classical and quantum physics to be combined … or what many physicists call the Unified Field Theory (or the Theory of Everything). It’s pretty interesting stuff but not for the faint of heart or those who abhor math. 😉


      • D-Fae,
        Thanks for simple explanation of this. Even though I have a science background, it’s definitely not in this topic! Nonetheless, I was trying to create a starting point, not so much for discussion, but to introduce the video! Thanks for visiting and sharing.


  8. Aw, come on, I wanted to see you explain Schroedinger’s Cat! Spoilsport! :p
    If you get Discovery’s Science Channel, “Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman” is definitely worth checking out. Not too basic to bore those of us who have a grip (no matter how tenuous) on the fundamentals, not too highbrow to lose most everyone else.
    And for the hardcore folk out there, check out http://www.fnal.gov. It’s the website of the Enrico Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, the US predecessor to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Lotsa good stuff out there, including some great photography of the beautiful main building (Wilson Hall) in the middle of native Illinois prairie. Enjoy!


  9. LOL @ John! Sheldon on “Big Bang Theory” tried to explain Schroedinger’s Cat to Penny …. hysterical!

    Frank, I just tonight watched a “Through the Wormhole” episode titled “Is There a Creator? … very interesting, though I think those focused too heavily on the science miss some of the possibilities. Looks like that same episode will be rerun (here at least) on Monday afternoon. If you have cable/satellite, it’s on the Science Channel and well worth watching if you can find it. 😉


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