Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 187

On Politics
Congress is having a difficult time with immigration reform because they cannot decide if the law is about letting people in or keeping people out. Meanwhile, The Onion dived into the controversy by providing tips for securing the US-Mexico border.

Interesting post by FactCheck regarding two senators comments about the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Immigration Report.

Regulars know that because Sarah Palin is synonymous with nincompoop, I seldom give her any time and effort. However, the following headline (written by a Republican) is worth noting: Sarah Palin’s Mind-Boggling, Incoherent Immigration Reform Critique

Wow – I finally heard some comments on the news about whether political groups qualify for 501 (C)(4) tax-exempt status … but this point still seems to be only a tiny blip on the radar.

Attention Millennials: Because you are large demographic group, take note that the current issues regarding Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and retirement will repeat itself for you in the future.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Vatican County fair sets record for world’s largest communion wafer
Bananas sweep Primates Choice Awards again
Italy, Japan advance to G8 finals
Markets in turmoil as price of money skyrockets to $90 a dollar
Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to steamy, all-female prison
Nation celebrates What is, Technically Speaking, Progress

Interesting Reads
Healthcare and the states
Click through the 10 greatest idea in science history
Weird stuff blamed on climate change
Why Middle East monarchies survive
History of Peeing in Space

On Potpourri
I favor CNN in the morning. Last week they launched New Day (6-9 am), and it is interesting to see how they use a new set, new personalities, and less substance with hopes of increasing ratings. Personally, I prefer more substance.

For the first time, Wine Spectator is featuring South Africa as its July 2013 cover story. Given I appreciate my South African readers, I’ve enjoyed the WS articles.

Last week I mentioned the controversy involving the number of stripes on Cap’n Crunch. It seems he recently used a press conference to offer an explanation.


With the Paula Dean flap in full swing, I wish nobody used the n-word – including those who find it acceptable.

Time: The Musical returns with the Monday night/Tuesday post. The feature for Act 4 is Month, so get your songs ready with month, months, monthly, or a specific month in the title.

Similar to last week, here’s another pop song done with handbells. Enjoy.

A reminder that Friday starts Water Skiing Days, Sunday is Leap Second Adjustment Day, and time is running out to celebrate World Naked Bike Ride Month (for the northern hemisphere, thus a reminder to El Guapo).

There will be a Saturday Morning Cartoon post this weekend.

To send you into the weekend, here a humorous video courtesy of Elyse. Have a good weekend. In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

45 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 187

  1. How could I NOT like this one Frank? First Cap’n Crunch with his eyebrows on his hat, and then “eleven.” Not to mention the urination in space –that is sooooo much more embarrassing than urinating during Show and Tell in 2nd grade. Much worse!


  2. How big was the communion wafer? What other stuff do they have at the Vatican County Fair? Are there side shows? Rides? Food stands? My mind races.

    Got a good bunch of chuckles from the elevator skit. Thanks.

    Remember: The facts cited by both sides … are not always what they seem.

    Have a nice day…Jim


    • Jim,
      The Vatican County Fair concept is unlimited … a mere wish of what Disney could be. Now I ponder a future post!

      Oh my .. and do pundits ever like to spin stuff their way.


  3. On two opposite ends of the spectrum, have to say my favorite gems from this OiTS come from The Onion and Real Clear World… what an interesting piece on Middle East monarchies! I love reading about things I don’t normally get to read about 🙂 Keep em coming!


  4. Markets in turmoil as price of money skyrockets to $90 a dollar – sounds like a bargain!
    Nincompoop is a great word for Palin, but you’re a fair-minded guy, would it not be nicer to chose one that she could spell?


  5. I can’t wait to talk with you about “Healthcare and the states,” which I wholeheartedly agreed with, and “The 10 greatest ideas in science history,” which fascinated me, except that I’m confused about the format.

    Your ON POLITICS section had me shaking my head, then dropping my head, then pounding my head on the table.

    The pop handbell arrangement “Set Fire To The Rain” had a fine melody line with a rich harmonic background, but it cried out for a bass guitar to enter (with a glissando) after the first sixteen bars.


  6. Markets in turmoil as price of money skyrockets to $90 a dollar–the price of gold fell considerably today, so…

    I’ll have to check out the new show on CNN. I listen to CNN on the radio quite a bit, and sometimes I’m not even sure what show it is I’m following. I’m looking forward to “weird stuff blamed on climate change.” You find the best articles, Frank.


    • Debra,
      The weird stuff blamed on climate change is interesting!

      Listening to a TV broadcast on the radio is interesting because I’ve done that with CNN in the car. I imagine the change (other than the personnel) is less noticeable via radio.


  7. What made my head hurt? Four things:

    1. Senators Mike Lee and Jeff Sessions’ comments about the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Immigration Report (I wonder if either read the report?).

    2. The comments on the news about whether political groups qualify for 501 (C)(4) tax-exempt status (I’m sure few people read this).

    3. Sarah Palin’s Mind-Boggling, Incoherent Immigration Reform Critique (to understand the vapidity of the Nincompoop’s thinking, one absolutely must see actress Julianne Moore’s portrayal of Sarah Palin in the movie “Game Change”).

    4. The Onion’s tips for securing the US-Mexico border (which would probably be looked at as good policy by the folks who are cheering Ohio Senator Rob Portman’s stunning NO vote on the U.S. Senate’s Immigration Bill).

    THANKS though for your always informative Friday “Opinions in the Shorts” POLITICS section. Between it and “Washington Week In Review” on PBS, I wake up Saturdays knowing more than the 24 hour cable news networks would have me believe.


    • Tim,
      Thanks for expanding upon my question. In other words, the entire section caused the head banging session.

      BTW – I don’t recommend Game Change because Nincompoop is not worth the time allotment.


  8. I’m rooting for Italy in the finals.

    Useless trivia: why are Italy’s national sports uniforms blue instead of their flag colors of green and red ? Because a big bunch of years ago, the presiding king liked blue better and ordered all uniforms changed

    John berman and Christine Romans were far better than “new day.” They now look like every other morning show


  9. I am stuck back trying to play catch up, so glad I didn’t miss this one, loved all your suggested articles. Read every one plus a few extra from Science (always such great stuff).

    Who doesn’t love press conferences by cartoon characters! Really.

    The Scots their accents and the elevator! To funny, what is even worse? When us poor Texans try to use Voice Activation, we have the same problem.

    This is by far the best entry from the Onion this week:
    Silvio Berlusconi sentenced to steamy, all-female prison


    • Val,
      Glad I was able to meet your high expectations on the articles. 😉

      I’m with you regarding Silvio and Cap’n Crunch. Meanwhile, aren’t elevators in Texas programmed for Texan, thus giving the rest of us a problem?


    • Weebs,
      If it wasn’t for a Republican writing the headline and story, she wouldn’t have made the post …. but I just ad to post this about The Nincompoop. Meanwhile, I think Cap’n Crunch managed the press conference well!


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