Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 176

On Politics
The way Washington is playing around with sequester cuts is just another example about the clueless, self-centered nature of the Washington establishment … and this includes President Obama’s symbolic pay gesture and the Republican response to it.

A legislator has sponsored a bill to establish an official religion in North Carolina. Someone wake me up and tell me this is a dream …or at least the other Carolina (where I would expect this)

As President Obama does fundraising for 2014 Congressional Democrats, I saw a Democratic majority in Washington would be a great boost for Republicans in 2016.

I found this site to be interesting – the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Although the gun control debate drivels on, Congress missed its opportunity for finding common group, thus I appreciate this op-ed from Dana Milbank.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion

  • Mississippi bans soft drinks smaller than 20 ounces
  • Businessman does work lying on bed like schoolgirl
  • Guy with 10,000 tweets, 15 followers ready to hang it up
  • Financial expert saves struggling zoo by firing all employees and getting rid of cages
  • STD had awesome time on spring break

Interesting Reads
Macaulay’s Catholic dissidents
Dinosaur Sex
Germany and Fracking
Time Place for Port Wine
Book Review about Herbert Hoover

As a tribute to the late Roger Ebert (1942-2013), here is a wonderful commentary about a movie – and one that I greatly appreciate.

On Potpourri
Cheers to Virgin Airways for this April Fools spoof.

I loved this one from consumer giant P&G, who actually promoted this in the Cincinnati during Opening Day festivities.


Those knowing my interesting in the interchange between religion and science may be amused to know that at last week’s Easter Vigil service, I read the creation text from Genesis.

On the handbell front, we’re going to have a concert in early May, so here is one of the selections.

Interestingly, injured Alex Rodriguez (New York Yankees) has a higher 2013 salary than the entire opening day roster of the Houston Astros.

Thursday’s (yesterday) game marked the 20,000th game for my Cincinnati Reds – a mark only attained by the Braves and the Cubs.

Looks like the 25,000th comment on this blog should occur this month.

Coming soon … Time: The Musical – Act 2 ….. And, hopefully I will remember to tell more next week.

Cheer up Saturday Morning Cartoon fans because there will be a post on Saturday.

This video (thanks Patti) will send you into the weekend with a smile. Have a good weekend! In the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

65 thoughts on “Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 176

  1. Nice headstart on the weekend. So much good stuff, but the bacon Bacon in the commercial and the happy elephant are the best! The elephant video is one of my favorites from an earlier post. The little guy can cavort in the waves but cannot jump. Have a good weekend! Take time to play.


    • Patti,
      You’re the one! … I couldn’t remember who gave me the elephant video …. yep … I’ve updated the post with thanks!

      Glad you enjoyed the Bacon Scope commercial. … The P&G had a good time with it in Cincinnati on Opening Day.


    • Bumble,
      If only the elephant seen could be seen on the California coast! Meanwhile, my Reds face a difficult April … and given an Opening Day injury … I’m a bit nervous. Good luck to your Giants.


    • TBM,
      Just another example of some lawmakers emphasizing their interpretation of the Constitution and ignoring case law with which they disagree. Good news is, the bill was killed before coming to a vote.


  2. I had to laugh about the zoo with no employees and no cages. Way to go. 🙂 Loved that playful elephant. He really made a big splash, didn’t he. Have a wonderful weekend, Frank.


  3. Thanks for providing the Bipartisan Policy Center link. I plan to read it regularly especially after witnessing the stunning success of bipartisanship in Connecticut where lawmakers from both parties stood up to the NRA, and listened to the public saying – ENOUGH!


    • Tim,
      Although there were Republicans who voted for the legislation, both chambers in Connecticut are overwhelmingly Democratic … thus, a far cry from “stunning success of bipartisanship”.


  4. Love the reading selections this week Frank, the Bipartisan Policy Center is very interesting and Dinosaur Sex, well had to send that one to my son.

    Onion, Mississippi and STD for me! Combine them and it is a win.


  5. Frank that elephant clip is going to have me smiling all day. Even when I look across the river and wish that we could get all those GOP elephants to the sea shore!


  6. Great overview for the weekend: Bacon mouthwash and elephant sea romp are the best. I’m still smiling over the baby elephant which I needed because I am rather bummed over how quickly we lose our focus as Americans as is seen in any sensible gun control legislation ever having the chance to see the light of day. I don’t agree with Milbank; I think the Prez moved as fast as he could given the formidable enemy he has (NRA) with all of its megabucks trying to paint him as someone wanting to take away “our rights” and pumping money into Capital Hill like it was free champagne. I think people really underestimate the visceral hatred certain groups within the Republican party have for this President, how much they do behind the scenes to undermine him, and how many lawmakers will put their own interests before that of our children, including the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. Sigh!

    So happy that you’ll be performing in a new bell concert. I didn’t recognize the sample song but it sounds lovely.

    Have a great weekend and happy Spring to you and Mrs. A.


    • E-Tom,
      No matter the issue, any president can only do so much – but I still think Washington missed a golden opportunity …. but let’s face it, our elected officials are there to represent those who got them there — the financial backers.

      The handbell piece is an original – thus not a representation of a hymn … but it has a fun sound.

      Meanwhile, the joys of the romping elephant can drive our day!


  7. bring me the struggling zoo headline. and i hope it’s the national zoo in washington.

    speaking of that bill for an official religion – did you know that anyone in congress can submit a bill anonymously? did not know that until a few days ago. a bill can be put up for a vote without anyone’s fingerprints being found. that’s just wrong.


  8. Love the elephant, Frank! Makes me feel joyous just to watch. There is so much to read in this week’s post, I need to come back and peruse as many links as possible. I did love your remark about reading the Genesis creation account on Sunday. Sometimes we live between the cracks! 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  9. Some particularly interesting thoughts from Macaulay — I have for quite some time thought it to be very remarkable that the Catholic church has endured through so much time and change.


  10. I’m thinking our elected representatives are giving us their interpretation of the zombie mamba. But hey, I’m a romantic whose benefits have outlasted my doubts. As for your Arod mention? Never mind the Astros…he’s gonna rake in more than most countries this year. And peace to Roger Ebert, who taught me the most valuable of all cinematic lessons: Choose the aisle seat.


  11. Reading this post, and feeling disgusted by all the politicians, the thought of the world being created in six days was a consolation (re: your reading Genesis). Not being religious, this was one time where I thought to myself: If the world was created in six days, can’t they balance the budget?


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