On a Two-fer Monday

Another weekend has passed, so how was yours?

Although we got some time on the ballroom floor, we were also dealing with my mother-in-law’s return to the hospital – thus a reason why I’m behind on my reading.

Meanwhile, Saturday was cool and damp …. but we get several days of improvement before a cold snap arrives later this week … which also means I must tackle the leaves while the temps are reasonable and before the next load falls.

Here are some celebration notes for your personal calendar.

  • (Week) Food & Drug Interactions Awareness Week, Character Counts Week, Chemistry Week, Forest Products Week, Friends of Libraries Week, Massage Therapy Week, Nuclear Science Week, Kraut Sandwich Week
  • (Mon) Pumpkin Cheesecake Day, Babbling Day, Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day, Info Overload Day, Iodine Deficiency Disorder Prevention Day, Reptile Awareness Day
  • (Tues) Nut Day, Stuttering Awareness Day
  • (Wed) Boston Creme Pie Day, Mole Day, Swallows Leave Capistrano Day
  • (Thurs) Bologna Day, Black Cat Day, Food Day, United Nations (UN) Day, World Development Information Day

Here are two humorous bits to start your week – one for the daring and one for all. Did you celebrate No Beard Day last Friday? On the flip side of the coin, one can find people with beards doing weird things. Sure makes we wonder if this also serves as to kickoff Food & Drug Interaction Week.

Meanwhile, enjoy this domino effect from Mouse. Have a good week!

91 thoughts on “On a Two-fer Monday

  1. Weekend report: had a GREAT day today. We hiked at a nearby state park, much upping and downing and fancy footwork. SO MUCH FUN! And for dinner I made chicken shepherds pie, and afterward we enjoyed a nice malbec.

    Making it even better, Jim vacuumed and swept the floors today. Not much sexier than a man doing housework… 🙂

    Have a great week, Frank!


  2. Hi

    We enjoyed a nice walk today in a local state park. It’s one of our favorites. We will post a few pix soon.

    I hope your mother in law is going to be ok.

    • Monday is Reptile Awareness day? These special events sneak up on you. What to wear?

    • Wednesday is Mole Day you say. I need to clarify whether that is the garden and yard variety, or the chemistry variety. It makes a big difference how I celebrate.

    • I didn’t celebrate No Beard Day. I kept mine on. Although, I commented to Melanie this morning that I was getting to look kind of gnarly. It needs a trim about every 3 weeks. She thought I said snarly. Anyway, for dinner we poured some Gnarly Head Malbec from Argentina. It was very good.


  3. Thanks (again) for lifting my spirits on this Sunday evening! Somehow I see a connection between Info Overload Day and Babbling Day on Monday leading to Nut Day on Tuesday. It should be a fun week!


  4. Ah, marching band! And THAT is exactly why Son had a marching band alto saxophone and a good one. Of course, it WAS the GOOD one he dropped just before performing at a jazz contest his senior year. They won anyway…


  5. I swear to God, Frank, sometimes I think you make up these titles–Nut Day?!

    Loved the marching band video. Someday, remind me to tell you about me, a giant pair of cymbals, and a marching band (actually it is in my book) which I guarantee will make you laugh a month of Sundays. 🙂

    So sorry to hear about your mom-in-law. Wishing her all the best. Take care, my friend.

    (P.S. After seeing your cruise pictures, WW has made some demands of what he wants as a Christmas present. . .)


  6. Sorry to read about your mother-in-law, Frank. Glad you were able to find some time for dancing. I spent most of the weekend writing – and will do so for the week as well. Some of those “days” are pretty crazy. My family is going to wonder why I’m only feeding them bologna for supper on Thursday. 😉 You have a good week, too, Frank!


  7. So help me, I saw Character Counts day, and my first thought was it had something to do with twitters 140character limit.
    I don’t remember the last time I completely shaved off my beard.

    Hope everything goes well with your Mother In Law.


    • GFB,
      Many thanks for the MIL wishes … but I think Nut Day has to do with the food – not psychotics …. and the beard video could be your kind of humor …. Thanks for the MIL best wishes.


  8. How passed this weekend, I didn’t understand but it was a long holiday for us beginning from 13th Oct. till yesterday…. It was one of our religious holiday. Thank you dear Frank, have a nice day and week, love, nia


  9. Celebrating that the floor contractors are gone. New flooring for the back room, mud room area and laundry room. Big improvement. Now if it just doesn’t rain this week for the house painters. The realtor will be checking in on our progress. A good amount to report, thank goodness.


  10. You started my week with a laugh, Frank! The video of those poor tuba players had me sympathizing and howling with laughter all at once. My brother played tuba in marching band – he was a small guy at 13 and played a lightweight fiberglass tuba. A strong wind caught the tuba bell and carried my brother through the air about 4 feet out of formation! Fortunately, he didn’t trip the rest of the tuba line 🙂


  11. Hi Frank!
    We had a nice full weekend.
    Sorry to hear about your mil. Hope she gets better soon.
    Boston cream pie day on Wed? I will have to stop at DD & pick one up on my way to work!
    And – speaking of Boston – YAY Red Sox!!! We are so waiting for the World Series to start on Wed.
    Let’s go Red Sox 🙂


    • RoSy,
      Glad to hear you had a good weekend … and thanks for the best wishes for my MIL. Now that the series is set, whenever someone asks who I want to win, I say the Reds … to which I hear “They aren’t in it” … then I say, “Then I don’t care.” 😉 Just my quirk way of being a loyal fan. Enjoy the pie!


    • Mouse,
      Love your sense for quips. Good news is that I ride the mower that chews the leaves … then I add the baggers for a sweep … and over and over again through late November-early December … but today I will use a leaf blower for some prep from the beds. I’ve babbled enough.


  12. Frank, so sorry to read about your mother-in-law being back on hospital.
    Always worrying – but she are in good hands, best place to be when we don’t feel good.
    You, Americans are just priceless … you have a day for everything, need something to celebrate every day. The black cat day .. just brilliant .. I wonder if there is one for Ginger Cat Day too. America, keep on celebrating !!!!
    Bowl O’Beard Ramen – that is ugly … I think about that every time I see Ramen noodles on a menu. *smile


    • Viveka,
      Glad to know you appreciate the celebrations. Officially, some are national and others international .. but hey … I make them for all!

      Many thanks for the best wishes for my MIL … and hooray for you watching the bearded one!


      • Frank, I have for years said we should a common support day for all cancers … not only for breast and prostate cancer, because cancer is cancer.. and it will hit every 3rd person.
        This morning I found out that one of our Swedish TV channels will have a big charity gala for on Monday and the money goes against all cancers. That is something to celebrate.
        Also with all your problems over there … problems over here – you need something to celebrate every day. I wish you a great Tuesday.


        • Viveka,
          Wonderful news and (of course) a worthy cause. We have the American Cancer Society … but yes, then organizations for specific cancers. …. Cheers to the TV station for the benefit efforts!


        • The Pink Ribbon .. is just for breast cancer and prostate cancer – and the whole world is all in pink now .. but the all other cancer is forgotten. Yes, good on Channel 4!!!!


        • Yes … pink is a very dominant color at the moment … and for me, I celebrated Proctober with an exam … and yes, all cancers deserve publicity, research, and support.


        • Sorry, for my ignorance …but I have to ask what Proctober is. Not even Google could give me a clue.
          The thing is … that will they ever catch up the cancer research … seems such battle – and when they have found some kind of medicine or treatment for one kind, another pops up.
          Anyhow in my will .. everything I leave behind will go to the cancer research.


  13. prayers and healing rays going out to your mom-in-love and gotta run to tell the mole it has a party day coming up this week. 🙂 and that ramen bowl guy – clever but rather nasty. hope he washes his bowl out well.


  14. No beard day sounds superfluous with most of your countrymen shaving every day throughout the year. What you ought to have is a ‘nature week’ or month, in which all the men just forget about shaving.


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