On Satire Bits: Vol. 99

Hey hey hey …. it’s mid-week, thus another day closer to the weekend! Hope your week has gone well.

The eye remains unchanged. Tuesday I met with my primary physician, and she recommended I take the tests the retina specialist recommended, so I will start the process for scheduling an MRI on Wednesday. Meanwhile, I’m getting used to the blur, so my golf game is improving.

Monday night we had a free riverboat cruise on the Ohio River. Many were on the boat, plus it was hot … but once the boat moved and the sun got behind the hill, the evening was wonderful. For those who want to see, there are some pics in this past post.

Time for the mid-week dose of satire from The Onion … as well as the extra challenge of forming your own headline from the words in the headlines below. “My combo” is at the end. Have a good rest of the week.

Embed from Getty Images

Man terrified to realize he could easily go on like this

Guy just trying on t-shirt in middle of store

NYPD offering no-questions-asked DVD drop-off

Deep down, area man knows he’s not done vomiting

Study links drinking while pregnant to being at Kid Rock Concert

More office workers switching to fetal position desks

Report: Half of Americans showed have thought of that before opening their mouth

World’s supercomputers release study confirming they are not powerful enough

Man honestly thinks he’s going to get to bed early

Investigation of what fell off night stand postponed till morning

My Combo: Office worker honestly terrified he could get pregnant vomiting on Kid Rock

40 thoughts on “On Satire Bits: Vol. 99

  1. Deep down more office workers switching terrified to realize they could easily go on like this.

    Mine is likely not satire at all, is it?

    I don’t think Frank, you should be improving your game with your eye off. Pursue all avenues for improvement! Hope you find out soon what is going on.


    • Val,
      I think my problem last week wasn’t the eye, but I was forcing my swing … so this time I stayed controlled and played much better …. regarding the eye, putting on the green is the most difficult task.

      Meanwhile, good satire is very believable!


    • Marina,
      And a happy hump day to you as well. Although wayward, me old eye is hanging in there, and I will remain calm with hopes that the next step will deliver a resolution. Meanwhile, the NYPD seems to be popular so far!


  2. I hope the MRI clues your doctors into what’s the problem with your eye, Frank – and that it will soon lead to a complete recovery. Sending you good, slightly sooty vibes from the Big Apple.


  3. If you haven’t had an MRI before Frank (I’ve had numerous), they are very noisy – they will/should give you ear plugs, and it is very claustrophobic. I hope it goes well for you.

    Trying on t-shirt showed man drinking while pregnant.


  4. Oh dear on the eye. Hope you won’t have to have surgery. My hubby did (diabetic related issue) & had to be face down for about two weeks. Not fun. But – you can use that to your advantage to get lots of back rubs… 😉
    Will be hoping your issue can be sorted out without surgery.

    My fave: That photo! 😆
    My combo: Man honestly thinks he’s pregnant!


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