On Satire Bits: Vol. 21

Hope you week has gone well so far. The hot and humid days of a Ohio River valley summer has definitely arrived. Fortunately, the breeze helped ease the condition on the golf course. I drank my share of water, but I simply wasn’t on my golf game tonight.

For I forget, thanks for the numerous milk suggestions in yesterday’s post.

Meanwhile, it’s time for a midweek pick-me-up with some satirical headlines from The Onion. Any favorites?

Sculpture of Stereotypical Italian Chef Proof of Pizzeria’s High Standard of Excellence

Fleet of Ambulances on Hand for 41-Year-Olds’ Touch Football Game

Republicans Stalling Obama’s Agenda by Speaking and Moving in Slow motion

Never-Used Bike Still in Pretty Good Shape

Report of Popular Fish’s Death Getting Around the Tank

Secretary of Transportation Flips Out at Pothole

Posthumously-Conceived Children Get No Benefits

Homeowner Surprised He Doesn’t Spend More Time in Hallway

Dire to Ejaculate Motivates Local Christian to Wed

Lutheran Minister Arrested on Charges of Boring Young Children

Friend Who Said Goodbye 10 Minutes Ago Still on Chat

Everybody in Town is King Fu Fighting

29 thoughts on “On Satire Bits: Vol. 21

  1. Hi,
    “Homeowner Surprised He Doesn’t Spend More Time in Hallway”

    “Dire to Ejaculate Motivates Local Christian to Wed”
    I just couldn’t help but laugh at that one.

    “Friend Who Said Goodbye 10 Minutes Ago Still on Chat”
    I think I also know this person. 🙂

    “Everybody in Town is King Fu Fighting”
    The mind boggles.


  2. It’s not quite The Onion titles, but I hope you get a midweek pick-me-up after seeing the one-of-a-kind award we’ve bestowed upon you (and only you) in our 100th Funny Names Blog post today (June 20th). Hope you’re doing well!


  3. Never-Used Bike Still in Pretty Good Shape, followed by Kung Fu Fighting and in third place the friend on chat. I’ve been that person on more than one occasion ..

    As always Frank, you pick a good list 🙂


  4. Friend Who Said Goodbye 10 Minutes Ago Still on Chat..made me smile hmm those were days 🙂

    Lutheran Minister Arrested on Charges of Boring Young Children..lol
    lot of people would end up being arrested if this trend starts ..Oh i loved this one loved it 🙂

    Frank i just love your satire bits 🙂


  5. Maybe it’s a ploy to get people to read the news. In my personal life I can’t BELIEVE how many people don’t know what’s going on all around them 😦 You always have the most interesting posts, thanks for sharing (I appreciate them).


  6. This:

    Secretary of Transportation Flips Out at Pothole

    Cracked me up. Our winters make some spectacular potholes, yet it takes until the next winter to get some of those ponds filled. I guess it depends on who drives into them.

    And this:

    Everybody in Town is King Fu Fighting

    Is just plain funny. 🙂

    Thanks, Frank. It’s hot here, too. Summer is officially here, although I’m not entirely sure the livin’ is easy. 😉


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