Time: The Musical – Prologue

The Story
Time – The Musical is an original A Frank Angle production featuring songs about time.

Program (Past posts)
Time The MusicalAct 1: Time
Act 2: Specific Time 
Act 3: Years
Act 4: Months
Act 5: Days and Weekdays
Act 6: Weekends
Act 7: Hour(s)
Act 8: Brevity
Act 9: Extended Time
Act 10: Compound Time
Act 11: Future Time
Act 12: Seasons

Time is vast in many ways. It can be complex or straight forward. It can be a chronological point or a special moment – cyros or kronos . A point determined by the sun’s continuous movement, or that some moment of the heart and mind that is timeless.

One doesn’t have to be a Christian to appreciate the beginning of chapter 3 from the Book of Ecclesiastes (commonly referred to as A Time for Everything). It’s appropriate for all.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace. (NRSV version)

I first posted about time here, and then later as a joint effort with a photographer – and in time, came the joy known as Time: The Musical. For me, this musical extravaganza ends to beautiful music fitting for a prologue. The video is actually a commercial that I adore, which (to me) seems to be about chronos through karos.

The challenge for the audience is to share a musical treat about a personal special moment in time or a song about time that you enjoy. Try not to embedding, but I don’t mind unembedding. Thanks to everyone who participated in this musical, and I will announce the next musical in a future Opinion in the Shorts.

On Satire Bits: Vol. 82

Sometimes coinciding, serendipitous events seem too good to be true.

First of all, it’s time for a Satire Bits post. Secondly, January is Polka Music Month. Thirdly, January 23 is the anniversary of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI (in 1719) issuing a decree forming Liechtenstein. So let’s start the mid-week energy boost by imagining Guapo, Bulldog, and GingerFightBack wearing lederhosen while leading everyone in song and dance to the Liechtensteiner Polka. Any ladies want to volunteering wearing Bavarian Dirndl for the occasion? Who knows how to dance to a polka?

Celebration Alert:For fearing nothing to celebrate today, Wednesday is Blonde Brownie Day and Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day!

How has your week been so far? Besides getting hit with more snow, I’ve been hit with a dose of the frazzles, but I’m confident that all will be fine.

A reminder that Time: The Musical is scheduled as a prologue. Do you have a special song associated with a special moment? Well now … that may come in handy. If not, there could be other options. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 PM (Eastern USA).

Let’s move on to your mid-week dose of satire courtesy of The Onion. Any favorites? There’s also the challenge of developing your very own satirical headline by using the information from the headlines below. My combo is at the end. Enjoy … and have a good rest of the week.

Anonymous source tells reporters he is tired of being Speaker of the House

Five-year-old reluctantly lets crying mom sleep in his bed again

Unclear if fountain is the type allowed to run around in

Police deploys fancy-clothed cop

CEO worked way up from Son of CEO

Scientists teach sign language to gorilla-suit-wearing man

Enzyme humbled to have played part in successful biochemical reaction

Airline part of something called Star Alliance

27-year-old lies about every single aspect of his life to keep parents from worrying

Fun-loving, laid-back woman with a bit of a nerdy side joins online dating service

My Combo: Laid-back anonymous CEO wearing gorilla suit crying after he joins 27-year-old fancy-clothed, anonymous cop in bed

On a Popping Monday

While a new week starts, some in the USA start with week with a holiday. How was your weekend?

Ours served as a getaway from some hectic times. Along with snow, Friday brought us two inspectors. Even with that, our weekend included ballroom dancing, a live production of Sound of Music, dinner, visiting family, and a few other things … and Saturday night’s snow fall cancelled a ballroom event!

My week starts with a slice of unknown because I’m unsure about the number of posts publish – but, I hope to conclude Time: The Musical with a prologue that will offer choices.

Upcoming celebrations for your calendar!

  • (Week) No Name Calling Week, Handwriting Analysis Week, Hunt for Happiness Week, Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Snowmobile Safety Awareness Week, Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice Week
  • (Mon) Penguin Awareness Day, Disc Jockey Day, Camcorder Day, Butter Crunch Day
  • (Tues) Squirrel Appreciation Day, Compliment Day, Rid the Word of Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day, Granola Bar Day
  • (Wed) Blonde Brownie Day, Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
  • (Thurs) Rhubarb Pie Day, Snowplow Mailbox Hockey Day, Pie Day, Measure Your Feet Day, Lichtenstein’s Foundation Day

Let’s use the Muppets to start the week. This is very timely because Sunday was Popcorn Day. Did you celebrate? Enjoy and have a good week!

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 207

On Politics
Gov. Christie (R-NJ) is doing his best to dodge the Bridgegate bullets. Although I’m currently giving him the benefit of the doubt, he is directly responsible for setting the tone for his office … and that is one of the things bothering me about this situation.

Interesting how numerous Republicans are defending Gov. Christie by using Benghazi, which actually has nothing to do with the issue.

Here’s an interesting article about how the Affordable Care Act is affecting Congressional staff.

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
English professor suddenly realizes student will believe literally anything she says
Pilot tells passengers he’s about to try something
Shy man narrowly evades free sample
Peewee hockey player wishes dad cared enough to fight at games
Vacationing man excited to try fast food franchise not found in hometown
Unemployed, miserable man still remembers teacher who made him fall in love with writing

Interesting Reads
Some economic myths
Pompeii and religion
For pet lovers: one for cat lovers, and one for dog lovers
The acquisition of California
Creating motion by clicking fast
Secret bid and the Hopi artifacts
The Onion’s tips for getting pregnant

On Potpourri
Short OITS and I haven’t been making my normal rounds – can you tell that my efforts are elsewhere at the moment?

Given the current craziness in at this end, I figure it’s a week-to-week situation. Therefore, I probably won’t post each day next week.

Here are your weekend celebrations

  • (Fri) Fetish Day, Hot Buttered Rum Day, Hot Heads Chili Day, Cable Car Day, Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day
  • (Sat) Winnie the Pooh Day, Bald Eagle Appreciation Weekend, Thesaurus Day, Peking Duck Day
  • (Sun) Popcorn Day, Tin Can Day, Whisper “I Love You” Day, Brew a Potion Day

Let’s use an instrumental hit from 1972 to send everyone into the weekend, which also is very fitting for a Sunday celebration.  Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

On Satire Bits: Vol. 81

We’ve reached the middle of the week, how was the start of your week?

With the recent house news, mine has been a whirlwind, thus causing me to be late with this post. Because the rest of the week will be full of must-do-now items as interviewing movers, dealing with inspections, securing a bank loan, and normal aspects of life, I will skip a post – thus return with Friday’s Opinions in the Shorts.

Let’s move on to your mid-week dose of satire from The Onion. Which of these gave you the best chuckle? For that extra challenge, use the words in the headlines below to make a new headline that is uniquely yours. Mine is at the end.

Have a good rest of the week.

Fanatically devoted nerd could potentially turn on Simon Pegg at any moment

High school freshman thinks Romeo and Juliet might be her favorite play

Intern strikes relationship with least-respected employee

Family watches in silence as dad checks out waitress

Man points out town where he threw up

Fish at pretty good place in life right now

Extremely vibrant town capable of supporting two Buffalo Wild Wings

Woman puts Cool Whip containers to every conceivable use

Area man admits being chocoholic but for booze

Neighborhood children gear up for highly anticipated opening of gerbil’s tomb

Internet collapses under sheer weight of baby pictures

Entire office clamoring to be introduced to co-worker’s parents

My Combo: Romeo puts Cool Whip on Juliet