On Compassion

Compassion: From a Latin meaning “to suffer together”

Compassion: A sympathetic consciousness

Compassion: A feeling of wanting to help someone in need

Compassion: Mercy, tenderness, heart, clemency, sympathy, commiseration, feeling, empathy, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, leniency, kindness, charity, pity, humanitarianism

Compassion: A worthy characteristic regardless of religious or nonreligious preferences

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. (Dalai Lama)

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others. (Albert Schweitzer)

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty. (Albert Einstein)

Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men. (Confucius)

Our human compassion binds us the one to the other – not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. (Nelson Mandela)

Compassion: An original composition for handbells by Jason Krug, performed by our handbell choir (Bells of Peace)

On Monday Style

Last weekend, those of us in the eastern USA were getting blasted by bitter cold. For us in Cincinnati, today was sunny and in the low 40s. What a difference a week makes!

We started the weekend expecting a low-key weekend. After time on the ballroom floor Friday night, we returned home to a message saying we have an offer on our house. YIKES! … we definitely weren’t prepared for that news.

Saturday involved errands, including a meeting with our realtor to develop a counter offer. Saturday night we stayed home and watched Jack Reacher.

Sunday morning was handbell time. Pavane is a slow piece with long notes, which makes it very vulnerable for a 14-member choir. Here’s a duet during the same piece. If that’s not enough, here’s a soloist … but it’s still a tricky song to place.

Shortly after lunch, our realtor called with the news that the buyers accepted our offer! So now we wait to see if the deal falls in place; plus time will tell how this affects may blogging routine. After all, demands have already taken a bite out of my visits.

How was you weekend? Tell us about it!

Celebrations for your week ahead.

  • (Week) Cuckoo Week, Dance Week, Letter Writing Week
  • (Mon) Clean Off Your Desk Day, Rubber Duckie Day, Coming of Age Day, Pubic Radio Broadcasting Day, Peach Melba Day
  • (Tues) Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day, Dress Up Your Pet Day, Poetry at Work Day, Organize Your Home Day
  • (Wed) Strawberry Ice Cream Day, Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice Day, Humanitarian Day
  • (Thurs) Appreciate a Dragon Day, Nothing Day, Fig Newton Day, Women in Blue Jeans Day, Get to Know Your Customers Day

Because it’s Cuckoo Week and Dancing Week, this is close enough to both. Enjoy and have a great week.

Opinions in the Shorts: Vol. 206

On Politics
The holiday was a good break from the goofy world of politics. Even in that setting, microphones have a way of keeping the idiots in the news.

Speaking of goofy, I saw CNN’s interview with Dennis Rodman in North Korea live, and he actually makes Nincompoop seem sensible.

To me, the recent Bridgegate episode involving the New Jersey Governor’s office is an example of abuse of power for political gain.

This week’s preview of Robert Gates’ upcoming book was interesting. Here’s an interesting commentary by a visitor here, so thank you Jim Wheeler.

One way governors (primarily Republican) balance the state budget is by keeping money that would have gone elsewhere in the state. This recent Cincinnati Enquirer editorial is a good read. (Note: Southwestern Ohio is strongly Republican.)

On This Week’s Headlines from The Onion
Mannequin must think he’s pretty hot
Girlfriend overdoses on lotion
Beijing air solidifies
Man unknowingly purchased lifetime supply of condoms
Pizza Hut unveils new cheesed-stuffed delivery guy
Scientists believe hockey players communicate by banging sticks against boards
Man on first date cunningly leaves behind one of his fingers in woman’s house

Interesting Reads
Columnist David Ignatius on a perspective about national despair
About political independents in America
The Odessa (Ukraine) Catacombs
About the inventor of leaded gasoline and chlorofluorocarbons
A bit of Churchill

On Potpourri
Because winter is not yet over, The Onion’s tips for keeping warm are excellent.

Recently, (thanks to a tip from Alex) just below our crescent-shaped moon was a crescent-shaped Venus. See this wonderful image from NASA that I found.

Special thanks to my top five commenters: Elyse @ Fifty-Four and a Half, Rich @ BrainSnorts, Lame @ Lame Adventures, Marina @ Arts Towards a Happy Day, and GingerFightBack @ GingerFightBack. For those interested in annual reports, here’s mine.

For me, it’s been a very busy time, thus why I haven’t been visiting as much as I like.

Sorry – no cartoon post tomorrow because there is simply too much on my plate. However, I will aim for next Saturday.

This week delivered the final act of Time: The Musical. The applause was a roar, but I saw a few tears as guest were leaving. Just for those who stick around for the movie credits and the occasional extra nugget, a prologue is coming soon.

For those wondering, yes – a new musical is on the horizon – but the theme remains TBA (to be announced).

Here are your weekend celebrations

  • (Fri) Peculiar People Day, Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Cut Your Energy Costs Day
  • (Sat) Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day, Hot Toddy Day, Secret Pal Day, Fruitcake Toss Day (again, but I like them!)
  • (Sun) Feast of the Fabulous Wild Men, Marzipan Day

In honor of a Saturday celebration, this song was a hit in 1967 – and yes, I remember it! It’s .– . … – . .-. -. / ..- -. .. — -. / -… -.– / – …. . / ..-. .. …- . / .- — . .-. .. -.-. .- -. … By the way, what’s your name in Morse code? Click here to find out. I’m ..-. .-. .- -. -.-

Have a safe weekend and in the words of Garrison Keillor, Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.

Time: The Musical – Act 12

The Story
Time – The Musical is an original A Frank Angle production featuring songs about time.

Time The MusicalProgram (Past posts)
Act 1: Time
Act 2: Specific Time
Act 3: Years
Act 4: Months
Act 5: Days and Weekdays
Act 6: Weekends
Act 7: Hour(s)
Act 8: Brevity
Act 9: Extended Time
Act 10: Compound Time
Act 11: Future Time

Act 12
Act 12 is about the seasons of the year, thus featuring song titles that include season(s), autumn (fall), spring, summer, and winterProducer’s Caution:: Those words can’t be in the form of a compound word. (EX: springtime)

Production Note
It has come to my attention that past acts have crashed browsers. Please 1) include the song title and artist in your text, and 2) paste the URL as part of your last line (not a new line). The latter will provide a link, thus not embed the actual video … but I don’t mind unembedding, so apologies are not necessary.

Ladies and gentlemen, to kickoff Act 12, I return to my college days. This was the favorite song two of my friends who eventually married. Dedicated to Steve and Cindy because it was their song, so an AFA welcome to The Strawbs with Autumn.

On Satire Bits: Vol. 80

The cold blast is in the process of celebrating Elvis’s birthday by leaving the building. Well, that’s for me, but the US east coast is still feeling the blast.

How your week going so far? Mine has been a bit hectic, thus why you haven’t been making my rounds as much this week.

A reminder to all that the next post is Time: The Musical (Act 12). With Seasons as the theme, song title must include season(s), fall/autumn, winter, spring, or summer in the title – but not in the form of a compound word as summertime. Something else to mull over, be careful of using fall in a context that isn’t a season. Curtain time is Wednesday, 9:30 PM (Eastern USA).

It’s time for the first mid-week dose of satire of 2014! It’s also the first opportunity to accept the creative challenge by forming your very own original satirical headline. But, here’s the twist to the challenge – You can only use the words in the headlines below. My original combo is at the end of the live.

Have a good rest of the week!

Terrified Obama inside healthcare.gov

Woman builds ironclad case proving Mila Kunis look bad without makeup

Billboard alerts drivers to existence of situation comedy starring stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld

Apple unveils panicked man with no ideas

New poll finds Americans view death of close relatives more favorably than Congress

Department of Agriculture locates perfect goat

Hostage freed after tense 7-minute standup set

Intricacies of meal plan discussed

Boardroom table a complex web of feet massaging genitals

Dad actually yelled at that guy

David Bowie asks Iman if they should just do lasagna again

Nobody knows what third light switch does

My Combo: Hostage terrified of panicked goat massaging genitals for 7 minutes